1/30/13: The Confidential Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 450) is due February 15th, 2013. For employee resources, FAQ's, tips on filing and resources for ethics officials visit the OGE-450 Topic page.

1/30/13: The NIH Policies and Procedures for Ensuring Scientific Integrity (.pdf) is now posted on the NIH website and can also be accessed through the NEO Ethics Policies page.

1/15/13: Find guidance on Presidential Inaugural Events on the gifts page of our website.

10/22/12: 2012 Annual Ethics Training: Seeking Employment and Post-Employment. Required for all Federal employees, including those who completed the 2012 New Employee Ethics Orientation. Other training available on the Training Page.

8/29/12: The 2012 Above and Beyond Award was presented to Maria Hessman, Clinical Center Ethics Assistant, at the 2012 Above and Beyond Ethics Administrative and Support Retreat. The theme of this year's retreat was Motivate, Communicate, and Facilitate.

8/10/12: New IC SOP entitled Preparation and Submission of Request for ACD Clearance of an Award with Cash Prize and the form to summarize the analysis, entitled Summary Form: Analysis of Cash Award for ACD Review. See the Procedures page, the Gift Exceptions section, the paragraph about Awards.

6/20/12: Additional information regarding reporting transactions as required by the STOCK Act. See the STOCK Act page for the legal advisory and the new form OGE-278-T.

5/9/12: New Feature: When new SAOs or non-SAOs are posted, additional information to explain or support the determination will also be added, linked from the entity's name. See list of Additional SAOs Which Are Not on the D&B List for an example.

New Employee Ethics Orientation: Revised April 2012. All regular Government employees new to the NIH are required to complete this module within 90 days of beginning work at the NIH.

Keep up to date with the NIH "What's New in Ethics at the NIH" and with HHS Office of the General Counsel, Ethics Division "What's New" page (HHS intranet).

Former 'In the Spotlight' items.
