Developer Information: Overview

Note: version 2 of the Indicators API was released several years ago, and version 1 was officially retired in November , 2018. Version 1 was discontinued entirely on June 19, 2020 (see link). If you access the older endpoints you will receive a "Resource not found" error. Use the information below to update your code.

About World Bank APIs

World Bank APIs provide access to various types of data and databases:

  • The Indicators API provides programmatic access to time series development data and metadata. Most of the articles in this section are devoted to the Indicators API.

  • The Data Catalog API provides information about the thousands of development-relevant datasets available through the World Bank Data Catalog. Learn More

  • The Projects API provides access to World Bank operations data, i.e., active, pipeline and closed projects implemented in countries and around the world. Learn More

  • The Finances API provides programmatic access to World Bank financial data (loans, credits, financial statements, etc) delivered on the World Bank Finances platform. Learn More

  • The Climate Data API provides access to historical and modelled climate data from the Climate Knowledge Portal. Learn More


You are encouraged to develop software applications that utilize and add value to World Bank datasets. Many third party applications have already been developed, including integration modules for Drupal, R, Python and STATA. Learn More 

Terms and Conditions

The use of World Bank datasets listed in the Data Catalog is governed by a specific Terms of Use for World Bank Data. The use of the APIs is governed by the Terms and Conditions.

Thank you for visiting the World Bank's Data Help Desk. Please review the terms of use for this website. Your continued use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Developer Info

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