Slovak Republic

Slovak Republic’s energy policies have made significant progress. Along with its neighbours and with support from the European Union, the country has strengthened cross-border connections for electricity, natural gas and oil, improving its energy security and increasing market competition.

Slovak Republic

Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2018

  • Enhance energy security

    Enhance energy security by supporting infrastructure projects diversifying energy supply sources and routes.

  • Foster market integration and regional collaboration

    Pursue further the national energy policy objectives within a regional context, strengthen regional co‐operation, integrate regional energy markets and support increased interconnections.

  • Strengthen emissions reduction efforts

    Step up CO2 emissions reduction efforts, notably in the transport and buildings sectors, including through the creation of a detailed plan with specific actions and interim targets, and an assessment of the cost‐effectiveness of different mitigation measures, to ensure the national target for non‐ETS emissions is achieved.

  • Foster energy efficiency

    Ensure timely implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures and raise public awareness about energy efficiency and its critical importance for energy security, climate change mitigation and economic competitiveness.

  • Support investment in the energy sector

    Ensure a stable and predictable legislative framework with an independent and adequately resourced regulator, and encourage investments in energy projects in accordance with the long‐term national energy strategy.

