Education Resources

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Printable education materials on topics related to food safety and nutrition, including labeling and dietary supplements.

USDA. FNS. Team Nutrition.

Provides middle and high school teachers, mentors, and caregivers with strategies for role modeling positive nutrition and physical activity behaviors, innovative learning activities, and a road map of and links to the Empowering Youth manual.

DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Serves as an aid to teachers, providing them with interactive, educational, and fun activities that are linked to national education standards for science and health.

USDA. FNS. Team Nutrition.

This collection of classroom materials helps elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education materials into classrooms. The curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands?on activities.

Michigan State University. Michigan State University Extension. 4-H Youth Development.

Research-based curriculum for use with kids aged 8 to 11 (grades 3 to 5) with "Jiff the Joey" to set the stage for each of the seven "Kangaroo Jumps" or sessions.

Georgetown University.

A national initiative to promote the health and well-being of infants, children and adolescents.

Oregon School Boards Association. Healthy Kids Learn Better Partnership.

Reduces barriers to learning by supporting the policy and funding initiatives that bridge the gap between health and education. Also provides training for teachers in health curricula.
