
France has a low-carbon electricity mix owing to its large nuclear fleet, yet many reactors are reaching the end of their lifetime. The country has started an ambitious energy transition under the Energy and Climate Change Law 2019 by designing a national low-carbon strategy, carbon budgets, a carbon price trajectory and a planning framework for energy investment.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2016

  • Ensure long-term visibility for the financing of the energy transition

    Strengthen long-term visibility through pluriannual energy programming and carbon pricing mechanisms. Assess progress through annual reviews and roadmaps based on robust scenarios.

  • Ensure security of supply while reducing share of nuclear power

    When reducing the share of nuclear within the power mix to 50%, build on an analysis of supply and demand patterns and take into account safety and economic aspects when deciding on the long-term operation of France’s Generation II plants and new Generation III plants.

  • Further broaden the tax base for the financing of renewable energy support

    Share the cost across all energy consumer groups; further shorten the lead times for obtaining the necessary permits, prepare the siting of onshore and offshore wind parks as well as their connection to the electricity grid.

  • Clarify actions required to boost energy efficiency in industry, heat,buildings and residential sectors

    In the pluriannual energy programming and National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, place policy emphasis on energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises, and give recognition to the role that industry can play in the energy transition to green growth. As set out in the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, clarify the actions required to reduce energy poverty.

  • Continue ongoing efforts towards market opening and competition in electricity and gas markets

    Work further towards market opening, competition, and consumer empowerment in gas and electricity retail markets, provide sound resourcing of regulatory and consumer authorities, and consider the phase-out of regulated tariffs for residential users.

