
Ireland boasted the third highest share of wind in electricity generation of IEA member countries in 2017. It has also improved its energy security through an increase in domestic gas production and a reduction of oil's share in energy supply.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2019

  • Develop a national energy and climate plan

    Set trajectories towards meeting renewables and energy efficiency targets and ambition to reduce emissions in the energy sector by 80-95% relative to the 1990 level by 2050. Include the means of achieving them and clarify their contribution to meeting Ireland’s emissions reduction targets under the EU Effort Sharing Regulation.

  • Adjust the carbon tax regulatory framework

    Implement an automatic upward adjustment of the carbon tax when pre-set sectoral emissions targets are not met, and earmark a portion (or all) of the increased revenues for energy efficiency improvements and decarbonisation of heat in the residential sector.

  • Strengthen efforts to decarbonize the heating sector

    Develop a time-bound roadmap for decarbonising the heating sector through energy efficiency and fuel switching. The roadmap should establish clear scenarios and milestones for phasing out fossil fuels.

  • Ensure continuity of energy policies implementation

    Provide continuity and longer-term certainty in energy policies to avoid, or minimise, interruptions that could undermine investor confidence and the necessary investment to achieve clean energy objectives.

  • Review the planning consent regime process and timeline

    Improve the efficiency of the planning consent regime for energy infrastructure to ensure that decisions are taken on time and with due regard to environmental and other effects. The legal framework for planning permission should ensure that adequate consultation has taken place with all stakeholders and that the needs of local communities have been taken into account, before the consent decision is taken by relevant authorities. 

