
Coal dominates the power sector of Poland, where it is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and a major employer. While the country has experienced strong growth in renewable energy over the past decade, its future role in the energy supply mix looks needs to be clarified.


Key energy statistics

Key recommendations, 2016

  • Finalise the country’s long-term energy strategy

    Conclude the process of finalising the long-term energy strategy alongside action plans and road maps for policy implementation. This must include transparent and open consultation with all industry stakeholders and consumers.

  • Support the long-term transformation of the energy sector

    Ensure the new energy strategy places a strong emphasis on the long-term transformation of the energy sector, including greater investment in energy efficiency, measures to reduce emissions from the non-traded sector, cleaner domestic heating and power sectors, reform of the district-heating sector and expansion of renewable energy.

  • Develop a regulatory framework for the coal sector

    Establish a vision in line with the new long-term energy strategy for the coal sector, based on a fair assessment of costs, transparent accountability, elimination of cross subsidies between power producers and coalmines, and provide the private sector with opportunities to develop and compete in the market.

  • Strengthen electricity system security

    Introduce measures to secure the short and long-term security of the electricity system by ensuring that the wholesale market is able to provide clear investment signals to new generation and incentives for new interconnections. Implement a market-based capacity mechanism that ensures competition between all generation technologies, best use of cross-border resources and demand-side participation.

