Staff Directory

Contact Information and Portfolio Summary


Main Tel:           202-482-4981


Coby Dolan

Director of the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
Tel: 202-482-4981


Robert Moller

Deputy Director of the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs
Tel: 202-482-4981


Timothy Bagley

Operations Manager and Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO) – including fleet modernization, aircraft services, and the NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps (NOAA Corps).
Legislative Referral Memoranda, congressional testimony and post-hearing questions. NOAA Grants Focal Point, the Congressional Informer, Weekly Reports, OLIA website, NOAA Legislation Tracker, special projects, and OLIA Office Operations.


Tribal Relations


Linda Belton

NOAA Tribal Liaison
Tel: 202-482-5447
Tribal Relations - consultations, communication, and outreach.


Elaine Saiz

Tel: 202-482-5447
Tribal Relations - consultations, communication, and outreach.

Atmospheric Team


Matthew Borgia

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-1939
National Weather Service (NWS) – all weather-related issues, including: hurricanes, hurricane research, and observations; tornadoes and severe storms; tropical and winter storms; tsunami; and forecasts, warnings, alerts, and outlooks.


Mackenzie Solomon

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-2497
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) – including climate science, ocean exploration and research, ocean acidification, air quality research, invasive species, Sea Grant, and drought research.


Sierra Jones

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-6140
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) – satellite issues, including GOES, POES and the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS).

Oceans Team

Michael Jarvis

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-3595
National Ocean Service (NOS) – including mapping and charting, geodesy, oil spill response, natural resource damage assessment and restoration, marine debris, harmful algal blooms, hypoxia, operational oceanographic products and services, and integrated ocean observing system. 


Makeda Okolo

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-5935
National Ocean Service (NOS) - including National Marine Sanctuaries, the Coastal Services Center, National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS), coastal zone management, coral reef conservation, coastal and estuarine land conservation, and marine protected areas.



Fisheries Team


Craig Woolcott

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-7940

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) – Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Great Lakes Regions, and international fisheries.


Christopher Holmes

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-2272
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) – South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Alaska Regions. 


Becky Cruz Lizama

Congressional Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-0809
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) - West Coast and Pacific Islands Regions. 



Intergovernmental Affairs


Linda Belton

Senior Policy Advisor
Tel: 202-482-5447
Intergovernmental Affairs - local, state, and community outreach.


Hannah Mellman

Legislative Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-5597

Intergovernmental Affairs - local, state, and community outreach.



Legislative Team

Hannah Mellman

Legislative Affairs Specialist
Tel: 202-482-5597

Congressional testimony, Questions for the Record (QFRs), hearing transcripts, Legislative Referral Memorandums (LRMs), presidential proclamations, views letters, and enrolled bill letters.


Velna L. Bullock

Legislative Affairs Analyst
Tel: 202-482-5833
Congressional Events Report, mandated Congressional Reports, Legislative Referral Memorandums (LRMs), NOAA's Membership Outreach Database (MOD), NOAA grants, and special legislative projects.


Fellows and Scholars


Frances Bothfeld

Knauss Sea Grant Fellow
Tel: 202-482-5111


Administrative Team


Jenell Wildgoose

Administrative Support Assistant
Tel: 202-482-4981
WebCims correspondence and administrative tasks for Legislative Affairs.