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We are leaders who care.

We are a profession guided by the highest calling.  To improve health for our patients and our communities. This is our True North, guiding our decisions in every challenge we face.
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National Action Plan to Advance Patient Safety: 4 Focus Areas

Improving safety has been a top priority at healthcare organizations across the country for the last two decades, but preventable harm is still an issue.
learn the recommended actions to advance patient safety

Leading for Equity

On the latest episode of our Healthcare Executive Podcast, Eric L. Conley, executive vice president, Froedtert Health, shares details of the organization’s intentional diversity, equity and inclusion policies.
*Note: Also available on iTunes.

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Healthcare Executive Magazine

Leading for Equity

The tragic incidents and public protests this past year around the country sparked intense but important national discussions about racial justice in the United States
read the issue

Survey: How Women and Men Executives Perceive Healthcare Workplaces

Healthcare administration in the United States, particularly in the senior ranks, has been a male-dominated field for decades. But the demand for capable healthcare administrators is as high now as ever. Women make up more than half of the U.S. population and approximately three quarters of the healthcare workforce.
discover the career attainments and attitudes of women and men healthcare executives

The Impact of Gender and Racial Bias on an Algorithm

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to transform patient care, quality and outcomes. But, there are also concerns about the negative impact these technologies could have on human interaction and patient safety, including gender and racial bias.
learn how biases in healthcare AI can perpetuate and worsen health disparities

Providing COVID-19 Care to Indigenous Communities

For populations experiencing the preexisting conditions of poverty and all its related social inequalities, the COVID-19 pandemic further complicates the delivery of healthcare.
learn more on Inner-City and Rural Pandemic Perspectives

Pricing Transparency in Healthcare: Readiness for Jan. 1, 2021, and Beyond

Healthcare providers have to make serious strategic decisions about their pricing and managed care contracting structures now that their competitors and third-party payers will be privy to more information.
What is required by price transparency?

Top Five Most Popular Healthcare Executive Podcast Episodes

Since the launch of our Healthcare Executive Podcast in early 2019, we have connected with numerous healthcare professionals, innovators and industry leaders from across the country.
check out our top 5 episodes to date

Racism in Healthcare: We All Have A Role to Play

The past several months have underscored our connections and somewhat painfully tested who we are as a country, as we fight a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic while grappling with the systemic racism in America.
how can we be better?

Learn Innovations and Solutions from Your Global Peers

In a relatively short amount of time, the coronavirus pandemic has drastically altered healthcare on a global scale. While not all countries have been affected to the same degree, all had to develop their own strategies on how to combat and mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
collaborate with peers to address the pandemic and prepare for the future

Igniting Innovation to Tackle a Historic Pandemic

Innovation within the Department of Veterans Affairs is not a new concept. The pacemaker, nicotine patch, bar coding for medication administration, and many other veteran and public lifesaving breakthroughs have origins within the VA.
learn how the VA innovates to save lives

Strategies for Nurturing Workforce Resilience in Crisis

In healthcare, we train for emergencies. We practice drills, tasks and incident command system protocols; we secure supplies and coordinate responses with community agencies. However, we have not adequately prepared our workforce for COVID-19.
discover how to care for the care providers

Sponsoring Diversity

Ample research is available on race disparity in the healthcare workforce, particularly in our highest levels of leadership. ACHE’s own data show that, while racial and ethnic minorities make up 32% of our U.S. hospital patients and 36% of the population, only about 16% of C-suite executives are racial minorities.
learn some best practices to realize demonstrable change

Responding to COVID-19 Challenges as a Safety Net Hospital

In July, Norwegian American Hospital in Chicago released its policy paper, “Responding to COVID-19 Challenges as a Safety Net Hospital: Lessons from Norwegian American Hospital in Chicago’s Humboldt Park.” NAH predominantly serves Black and Latino/a populations—groups that have been hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why did NAH conduct the study?

3 Ways to Ace an Interview

When looking for a new job, it’s important to build a strong professional brand to show future employers who you are, how you stand out and what you bring to the position.
follow these steps to ace your interview

Safety 101 Syllabus: Select, Develop and Engage Your Board

When it comes to achieving zero harm in healthcare, there is no silver bullet solution. In every healthcare organization, the ultimate responsibility for system-based errors and their resulting costs rests with the CEO and the governing board.

discover the necessities of selecting, developing and engaging your board

Reflections on Leadership During a Pandemic

Genevive, a geriatric medical practice in Minnesota specializing in providing medical care and care management for frail older adults in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, learned firsthand how COVID-19 hit the geriatric community hard and fast.
learn a few steps to lead during a pandemic

Health Disparities and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed many things about America. It has cast a particularly harsh light on the failings of some U.S. systems. One attribute of this system that the pandemic has highlighted is the health disparities that exist among various groups within the population.
learn the steps to assure healthcare protects the population’s health

Creating a Healthier, More Equitable Future

For many weeks, the healthcare community has been immersed in taking care of patients and families and getting through the pandemic. While we are slowly emerging and the rise of COVID-19 incidences lessens for many, we have a more enduring toll to face in racial injustice.
read more from president/ceo Deborah J. Bowen, FACHE, CAE

What Are We Waiting For?

In the course of patient care, now is the opportunity to identify those resources that healthcare professionals find themselves waiting for the most. 
read more from Chris Strear, MD, FACEP

Pride Month Perspectives from ACHE’s LGBTQ Forum Chair

Beyond the celebrations and festivities that typically occur during the month of June, Pride is a moment for us to recognize the progress that has been made for the LGBTQ community.
read more from Stephan Davis, DNP, FACHE

Safety 101 Syllabus: Prioritize Safety in Selection and Development of Leaders

Between the high contagiousness and rapid spread of COVID-19, patient surges, shortages of personal protective equipment and ventilators, and limited testing supplies, keeping staff and patients safe has become particularly challenging and especially important.
learn tactics to help prioritize safety in your professional development

Postgraduate Fellowship Insights and Resources from Executives

In the healthcare job market, the experience gained through participation in a postgraduate fellowship can provide a competitive advantage to an early careerist.
put theory into practice

Restarting Elective Procedures During COVID-19

For the past several months, addressing immediate issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic has been the dominant focus of the healthcare field. While medical professionals are still working to understand and mitigate the impact of this virus, many of the day-to-day operations of their organizations, including elective surgical procedures, have been put on hold

discover the ways to resume elective procedures

Optimizing ED Patient Flow for COVID-19

Emergency departments serve as the front door for many hospitals, so the need for effective patient streaming flows has always been imperative. That said, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused patient volumes to surge in many communities and has presented ED leaders with the additional challenge of trying to mitigate the risks of virus contagion and spread.
learn why safe care delivery is all about patient flow

Three Ways to Prepare for Job Searches in a Pandemic

The unprecedented events caused by COVID-19 have generated a lot of uncertainty within the job market, especially in healthcare. Fortunately, many organizations that have shifted to a virtual working environment are using more innovative ways to hire new staff while following social distancing guidelines.
learn how to prepare for new opportunities

Supply Chain Management in the Midst of COVID-19

Despite our best efforts, no amount of planning prepared healthcare for this global pandemic and its dramatic impact on supply availability. COVID-19 has demonstrated just how fragile the supply chain can become in a few short weeks.
See how COVID-19 challenges affect supply chain management

Celebrating Nurses and Front-line Workers: A New Kind of Hero

Amid a global pandemic unlike any we’ve seen in this lifetime, there have been countless stories of nurses and other front-line healthcare workers going to extraordinary lengths to fulfill their calling.
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Improvising Personal Protective Equipment during COVID-19

As hospitals face shortages of personal protective equipment, it is important to know what is regulated, what is not regulated and how to navigate the gray area in between.
discover alternatives to PPE

Leadership Growth During Times of Crisis

Jamie Haeuser knows all too well how times of crisis can disrupt both the healthcare system and the plans of those within it.
learn how to lead in times of crisis

Leading During the COVID-19 Crisis: Building Upon Our Strengths and Addressing Our Weaknesses

With the single aim of saving lives from the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare executives are in the trenches with medical teams, cleaning crews, local and state governments, payers, researchers and suppliers, and area hospitals.
will you be ready for what's ahead?

Managing COVID-19: Physician Leadership Priorities for Employed Physician Networks

The front-line, immediate impact of COVID-19 is being felt daily, hourly, by health systems across the country. From the perspective of the employed ambulatory network of providers within a health system, there has been tremendous disruption.
see how a proactive plan with engaged physician leaders is essential for success

Volunteer Recruitment Resources

As the healthcare community works tirelessly to understand and mitigate the impact of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations have found themselves in need of volunteers to maintain vital programs and initiatives.
sign up to serve your community

COVID-19 Resources for Healthcare Professionals

As the world faces the COVID-19 pandemic, we are grateful to those of you in healthcare for your ongoing efforts to mitigate the impact of this crisis within your communities.
take advantage of these helpful tools

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