
New to  the Baldrige management framework?  Interested in understanding how to use the Criteria in your organization?  Need to shake off the cobwebs and get motivated by two dynamic and fun facilitators? 
Check out our virtual pre-conference workshops on Wednesday, October 21 and start building your excellence network!  

Workshop 1 Getting Acquainted with Baldrige 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Presented by Pattie Skriba, VP Performance Excellence, Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital (retired) and member, Baldrige Panel of Judges


-Designed for those who have had little or no exposure to the Baldrige Criteria

-Participants will learn the history and structure of the Baldrige Program, the benefits of self-assessment and feedback, the structure of the Criteria, how to focus improvement and communication efforts, how to use the Criteria and the Award recipient application summaries to enhance learning from the conference in this interactive session.

-Facilitated live with interactive features 

Workshop 2 - Intermediate Baldrige: Moving From Interest to Action 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Presented by JoAnn Sternke, Senior Director and Coach, Studer Education and member,
Baldrige Panel of Judges


-Designed for those who have begun to use the Criteria or self-assessment tools and are ready to learn more – not for experienced Criteria users

-Participants will learn the benefits of conducting a self-assessment using the Organizational Profile, an approach for managing an initial organizational self-assessment, and the value of using the Criteria to more fully articulate an organization’s attributes, challenges, and needs

-Facilitated live with interactive features 

Note: Due to their interactive nature, a limited number of seats area available for each virtual workshop, so you'll want to reserve your seat early!  Workshops are not a pre-requisite for attending the conference. Virtual workshop attendees will receive one free electronic copy of the 2019-20 Criteria for Performance Excellence (their choice of either the Business/Nonprofit, Education, or Health Care version). 
The  Virtual Happy Hour and Networking Session in the Virtual  Exhibition Hall will follow  the workshops.

NEW! Free pre-conference virtual tour of Menlo Innovations at 11 AM central.  Conference keynoter, Rich Sheridan is hosting a virtual tour of Menlo.  The tour is free but preregistration is required. 
Space is limited. 
Use this link to register.

Virtual Happy Hour: Excellence on Tap 4 - 5 pm

Nothing is more Midwestern than Happy Hour!  This casual virtual gathering brings together conference speakers, examiners, applicants, Alliance program representatives, along with old and new friends.  Grab your favorite beverage and snack, and visit the exhibitors and sponsors in our Virtual Exhibition Hall!  Our virtual  Happy Hour is open to all!