COVID-19 Information

All our public events, whether at VIMS or sponsored by VIMS off-campus, remain suspended. This includes suspension of public access to our Visitor's Center. For information on our fall-semester plans for faculty, staff, and students, read "Phased Expansion of On-campus Operations" (pdf). The State Council of Higher Education has found this plan compliant with the ‘Higher Education Reopening Guidance’ developed in consultation with the Virginia Department of Health. Also see the latest information about COVID-19 and W&M's Path Forward for this fall.

News & Features

  • Hershner in Marsh
    Hershner MarshRead More
  • Standard File
    Crab ParasitesRead More
  • 2020 Dead Zone Report Card
    Dead ZoneRead More
  • John Wells
    Wells to RetireRead More
  • Eelgrass Meadows
    Seagrass RecoveryRead More
  • VIMS Photo Contest Winner
    Photo ContestRead More
  • Winter Blue Crab Dredge Survey
    Dredge SurveyRead More
  • Soil Carbon
    Soil CarbonRead More
  • Beach Plastic
    MicroplasticsRead More
  • LIDAR Migration
    Global MigrationRead More
  • R/V Virginia Christening
    ChristeningRead More
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