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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture

PPQ Program Overview

About Plant Protection and Quarantine

Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) safeguards U.S. agriculture and natural resources against the entry, establishment, and spread of economically and environmentally significant pests, and facilitates the safe trade of agricultural products.

Plant Protection Today

Every day, PPQ employees collaborate with many partners, cooperators, and stakeholders to protect plant health. To keep us on the leading edge, PPQ explores scientific frontiers, develops new plant protection methods, and makes critical advancements that safeguard our nation’s agricultural and natural resources while facilitating the safe global trade of agricultural products. Plant Protection Today highlights our latest innovations and most successful programs and activities.

Detector Dogs

PPQ’s National Detector Dog Training Center trains specially selected dogs and their handlers to safeguard America’s agriculture and natural resources from harmful pests and diseases.

Organizational charts

PPQ Strategic Plan: 2015-2019 
The APHIS Strategic Plan lays out four broad goals for PPQ for the next five years. That plan also identifies tactics PPQ will use to fulfill the Administrator’s commitment to protect the health and profitability of American agriculture. PPQ is committed to fulfilling these actions. In addition, PPQ will improve its safeguarding system, optimize its pest management and eradication programs, and increase the safety of international agricultural trade. Doing these things will help PPQ achieves its mission, which will in turn contribute to the accomplishment of APHIS’ mission.

PPQ Science and Technology
Safeguarding Through Science: APHIS scientists monitor data from around the world and throughout the country to uncover pathways and develop strategies to both exclude pests before they arrive at our shores and to stop or limit their movement if they enter the country.

PPQ and NPB Strategic Alliance
Together, PPQ and the NPB work to utilize our respective federal and state authorities, assets, and expertise to safeguard plant health and enable safe trade. The Strategic Alliance documents the nature of the PPQ-NPB relationship and the top priorities to be pursued by the two organizations.

PPQ Deputy Administrator’s Safeguarding Award
This award recognizes initiatives and innovations that make significant contributions to furthering the goal of safeguarding American agriculture and plant resources.

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