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International Food Composition Resources


LanguaL™ stands for "Langua aLimentaria" or "language of food". It is an automated method for describing, capturing and retrieving data about food. The work on LanguaL™ was started in the late 1970's by the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) of the United States Food and Drug Administration as an ongoing co-operative effort of specialists in food technology, information science and nutrition.

Tufts University

The International Dietary Data Expansion (INDDEX) Project addresses diet related health outcomes by developing a global architecture for dietary data assessment, which includes innovative technologies, leveraging existing data, strengthening institutions, and demonstrating the policy relevance of improved food consumption data.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, World Health Organization GIFT

FAO/WHO GIFT is a growing database, which aims to provide indicators and microdata for at least fifty datasets from countries around the world, in particular from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC), by 2022. This platform, intended for use by both experts and the broader audience, aims to facilitate access to age and sex disaggregated data on individual food consumption and to provide high quality food-based nutrition indicators that can trigger targeted policies to improve diet quality. The tool also provides refined data for the assessment of dietary exposure to potentially hazardous agents.

Technical University of Denmark. National Food Institute.

Search for the nutrient information of Danish foods.