Older Individuals

For and about seniors, find resources on healthy eating, nutritional challenges related to aging, food safety issues, Meals on Wheels and other assistance programs. See more on these sub-topics:

HHS, ODPHP Division of Prevention Science

The Fact Sheet for Older Adults explains why physical activity is key to healthy aging, what kinds of activity older adults need and how to get it. Also available is an interactive tool and activity planner.

University of Maryland.

"Food Safety on the Go" is a free food safety training program for staff, volunteers and clients of home-delivered meal programs that focuses on deliveries to older adults. The overall goal of this course is to decrease the risk of foodborne illness among clients.

University of Florida IFAS Extension.

MyPlate for older adults was adapted from USDA's MyPlate. Developed in 2011, and reviewed by the University of Florida Extension Service in May 2016.
