Profile Picture NCHS

created Apr 13 2020

updated Dec 30 2020


This data file contains the following indicators that can be used to illustrate potential differences in the burden of deaths due to COVID-19 according to race and ethnicity:
•Count of COVID-19 deaths: Number of deaths due to COVID-19 reported for each race and Hispanic origin group
•Distribution of COVID-19 deaths (%): Deaths for each group as a percent of the total number of COVID-19 deaths reported
•Unweighted distribution of population (%): Population of each group as a percent of the total population
•Weighted distribution of population (%): Population of each group as percent of the total population after accounting for how the race and Hispanic origin population is distributed in relation to the geographic areas impacted by COVID-19

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deaths, race, ethnicity, mortality, united states, state, covid-19, coronavirus, nchs, population
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SODA2 Only
Licensing and Attribution
Data Provided By
National Center for Health Statistics
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Public Domain U.S. Government
Common Core
National Center for Health Statistics
Contact Name
National Center for Health Statistics
Contact Email
NOTE: The percent of deaths reported in this table are the total number of represent all deaths received and coded as of the date of analysis and do not represent all deaths that occurred in that period. Data are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction, age, and cause of death. Provisional counts reported here track approximately 1–2 weeks behind other published data sources on the number of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. COVID-19 deaths are defined as having confirmed or presumed COVID-19, and are coded to ICD–10 code U07.1. Unweighted population percentages are based on the Single-Race Population Estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, for the year 2018 (available from: Weighted population percentages are computed by multiplying county-level population counts by the count of COVID deaths for each county, summing to the state-level, and then estimating the percent of the population within each racial and ethnic group. These weighted population distributions therefore more accurately reflect the geographic locations where COVID outbreaks are occurring. Jurisdictions are included in this table if more than 100 deaths were received and processed by NCHS as of the data of analysis. 1. Race and Hispanic-origin categories are based on the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards (1,2), allowing for the presentation of data by single race and Hispanic origin. These race and Hispanic-origin groups—non-Hispanic single-race white, non-Hispanic single-race black or African American, non-Hispanic single-race American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN), non-Hispanic single-race Asian, and non-Hispanic single-race Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander —differ from the bridged-race categories shown in most reports using mortality data. 2. Includes persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America 3. Includes persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent. 4. Includes more than one race, race unknown, and Hispanic origin unknown 5. Excludes New York City. As of 11/12/2020, deaths for non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander are presented separately from the Other category.
Bureau Code
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Temporal Applicability
Geographic Coverage
United States
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