Weight and Obesity

Utilize these tools and resources for lifelong weight management. Includes links to BMI calculators, portion quiz, behavior modification guides, tip sheets, and more. Some materials are available in Spanish.


Find national guidelines on assessing and treating overweight and obesity as well as statistics and definitions. Includes reports from government, health and educational groups.

DHHS, NIH, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Commisioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, Dietitian Professional Advisory Committee

This series of 6 sessions was designed for Corp officers and members of the public seeking general information and guidance on achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. Each session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and includes a narrated power point, handouts, and a write up summarizing the content for each session.

NIH, Office of Disease Prevention

An unbiased, independent panel developed a final report of the 2017 NIH Pathways to Prevention Workshop: Method for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity, which summarizes the workshop and identifies future research priorities.

Provides links to background information and practical resources on weight issues in children and teens. Includes guidelines, statistics, growth charts, a body mass index calculator, and educational materials.


Resources for promoting a positive body image and healthy living, including links to programs like "Active at Any Size".