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ILRU, founded in 1977, has a long history of providing research, education and consultation in the areas of independent living, home and community-based services, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Core Areas of Expertise

Centers for Independent Living (CILs)

ILRU operates the IL-NET National Training & Technical Assistance Center on Independent Living with a dual emphasis on providing training and technical assistance for CILs and SILCs.

The ILRU IL-NET T&TA Center maintains the up-to-date Directory of CILs and Associations.

Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs)

ILRU operates the IL-NET National Training & Technical Assistance Center on Independent Living with a dual emphasis on providing training and technical assistance for SILCs and CILs.

The ILRU IL-NET T&TA Center maintains the up-to-date Directory of SILCs.

CIL Disability, Diversity, & Intersectionality

ILRU conducts the CIL Diversity project to support CILs in improving services, programs, and outreach for racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse groups.

CIL Business Acumen

ILRU is dedicated to providing resources for CILs looking to improve business acumen efforts by diversifying funding through contracting with health plans and payers and other potential payers.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Southwest ADA Center is one of ten regional ADA Centers that provide technical assistance and training on the ADA. ILRU also is a member of the ADA Participation Action Research Consortium (ADA-PARC).

Collaborative on Health Reform & Independent Living (CHRIL)

The CHRIL brings together disability advocates and researchers from four institutions to investigate and disseminate findings about how the Affordable Care Act affects working age adults with disabilities.

Houston Livable Communities Initiative

ILRU is engaged in a cooperative initiative with the City of Houston to assess and improve community participation and access to healthcare for people with disabilities and older adults in five relatively disadvantaged  neighborhoods.

Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities

The Disability911 website was created to provide assistance in and information on disaster preparedness for people with disabilities. Recent updates include Hurricane Harvey Resources for People with Disabilities.

Navigating our WebsiteILRU provides training, technical assistance (TA), and materials on a number of topics and in a variety of formats—including on-location, online, and on-demand trainings, Webinars and teleconferences. Individualized TA is provided upon request. Publications and productions are available for download from this website. For information on the projects led by ILRU or to which we lend our expertise, use the menu above to select a specific project. Use the topic menu on the right or the search feature above to review the information available on a topic or area of interest.