Welcome to the RISS Impact Webite

The Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS)A Proven Resource for Law Enforcement—serves thousands of law enforcement and public safety agencies across the country in their effort to successfully resolve criminal investigations, apprehend and prosecute offenders, maintain security, and ensure officer and citizen safety through nationwide event deconfliction.  Every day officers turn to RISS to help identify suspects and solve cases in areas such as violent crime, homicide, human trafficking, sexual assault, property crimes, domestic terrorism and extremism, and other criminal activities.

RISS is a leader and an innovator in technology and investigative case support and has enabled law enforcement agencies to significantly enhance information sharing across jurisdictions.  Information sharing remains a top priority and need among law enforcement agencies and officers.  RISS adheres to strict security standards and maintains a comprehensive policy to protect privacy and civil liberties.  Law enforcement agencies and officers have reported seizing millions of dollars in narcotics and other contraband and arresting and prosecuting offenders due to using one or more RISS services and resources.

The purpose of the RISS Impact Site is to provide nationwide information on RISS’s technology efforts, accomplishments, future efforts, and performance metrics.  Select the appropriate link below to view summary documents regarding these topics.  In addition, RISS receives hundreds of shared success stories submitted by officers across the country, showcasing how RISS services and resources helped detect, deter, prevent, and respond to criminal activities.  Select each state below to view these real-life success stories.

Select your state to read about RISS’s efforts and impact in your state