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Utility Navigation

Small Boat Program


The NOAA Small Boat Program (SBP) ensures that the agency’s small boats, defined as any vessel which is less than 300 gross registered tons displacement and less than 100 feet in length overall, meet or exceed all applicable regulatory and industry standards for safety, construction and operation. Through comprehensive inspections and training programs, the SBP provides guidance tailored specifically to the unique missions of the fleet. In addition, the SBP provides technical expertise in the design and acquisition of new vessels, assists with contracting repairs and modifications for existing platforms, administers vessel inspections, and conducts training on vessel inspections and maintenance.

While small boats are owned and operated by one of NOAA’s line offices (LOs), administrative oversight, engineering support and inspections are directed by NOAA’s Office of Marine and Aviation Operations via the Small Boat Program, which works with subject matter experts from the LOs to develop safety and operational guidelines for its vessels and operators.

Designated Vessel Operations Coordinators at each unit oversee the day-to-day operations of the boats and crews, and work closely with LO Small Boat Officers and Program Managers to carry out safe and effective small boat operations in compliance with all safety and environmental policies.

The SBP is located at the NOAA Western Regional Center in Seattle, Washington and is staffed with a Program Manager, Executive Officer, Inspection Coordinator, Engineering Coordinator and Training Coordinator. The SBP develops and implements policies for the safe operation and maintenance of NOAA’s small boats in coordination with the NOAA Small Boat Safety Board (SBSB). The SBSB is an advisory panel chaired by Mr. Dennis Donahue, and made up of representatives from each Line office, the Program Office, NOAA’s Safety and Environmental Compliance Office, and NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement. The SBSB is responsible for reviewing, revising and approving all policies, standards, and operating procedures pertaining to the agency’s small boats. The SBSB is also responsible for revising the , which governs the operating standards and procedures for all small boats operated under the authority of NOAA.

The NOAA Small Boat Program continues to develop fleet wide metrics that support vessel manager needs and inform NOAA leadership of the value and challenges of small boat operations. The Program relies on these summary metrics, and associated data bases, to develop effective policy, focus resources to areas of elevated risk and customize products and services for the NOAA Small Boat community. The FY2018 Metrics and 2018 Annual Report are now available. 

The small boat fleet also has several green initiatives.

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Reviewed: October 25, 2019. Contact us with page issues.

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