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Utility Navigation

  • Meet the Crew

    Commander Sarah Duncan, NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson

  • The officers and crew of NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker prior to the ship's May 2 commissioning ceremony
    Photo: David Hall / NOAA

    Become a NOAA Wage Mariner!

    Learn about exciting career opportunities aboard NOAA ships!

  • ROV Recovery Aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
    Photo: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

    Uncovering the Secrets of the Deep

    NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer makes exciting new discoveries

Marine Operations

NOAA operates the nation's largest fleet of oceanographic research and survey ships.

Marine Operations

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates a wide assortment of hydrographic survey, oceanographic research and fisheries survey vessels. These vessels are operated by NOAA's Office of Marine and Aviation Operations.

Ships located in the Atlantic are managed by the Marine Operations Center-Atlantic (MOC-A) in Norfolk, Virginia. Ships located in the Pacific are managed by the Marine Operations Center-Pacific (MOC-P) in Newport, Oregon. Ships located in Hawaii are managed by the Marine Operations Center-Pacific Islands (MOC-PI).

The ships are run by a combination of NOAA commissioned officers and civilian professional mariners. The civilian mariners include licensed masters, mates and engineers, and unlicensed members of the engine, steward and deck departments. In addition, survey and electronic technicians operate and/or maintain the ship's mission, communication and navigation equipment. The ship's officers and crew provide mission support and assistance to embarked scientists from various NOAA laboratories as well as the academic community.


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