The RISSIntel™ user interface provides for a real-time, online federated search of more than 60 RISS and partner intelligence databases, including state intelligence systems, fusion centers, and systems connected via the National Virtual Pointer System (NVPS).  RISSIntel permits federated searching across many systems without requiring the RISSNET user to have a separate user account for each partner system.  Millions of intelligence records are available via RISSIntel and between connected partner systems.  Records include individuals, organizations and gangs, and associates, as well as locations, vehicles, weapons, and telephone numbers.

RISSIntel is designed to encourage the exchange of information and coordination among member agencies investigating the same individuals (subject/target) or organizations.  Member agencies may access RISSIntel online via RISSNET or may contact their in-region RISS Center intelligence research staff directly, via telephone or e-mail, for assistance.  Member agencies are able to submit large volumes of data for inclusion in RISSIntel through software applications implemented by RISS.

RISSIntel™ Brochure