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#MyPlateMyWins at Dinner
What's Your Healthy Eating Style?
#MyPlateMyWins for Beverages

Quick kid’s activity: can you name 3 foods from each of the 5 MyPlate food groups? Have older children print or cut out food pictures to create a MyPlate collage. Find activity sheets: #MyPlateMyWins

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Have fun with your food! Use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to create fun shapes out of whole wheat bread. Top with berries or nut butter for added flavor! Find more winter food fun:

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Celebrate with breakfast! Cook up a surprise breakfast for your family to celebrate an occasion, rather than at a restaurant. It will feel like a special treat & you have more control over how it’s prepared. For the recipe pictured, visit:

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Here’s a real solution for enjoying Italian fare while maintaining a healthy eating style: Pick sauces made from vegetables, like marinara sauce! More tips here: #MyPlateMyWins

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There are many ways to stretch your food dollar. Look for coupons in unexpected places-with your receipt, as peel-offs on packaging, and alongside items on grocery aisle shelves. Save more at the store with these tips: #MyPlateMyWins

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Eating out? Decode the menu to choose healthier options. Look for items that are roasted, baked, braised, broiled, poached, seared, grilled, steamed, or sautéed. More tips:

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Try making small, practical changes at dinnertime to find a healthy eating style that works for you. For more healthy eating solutions, visit: #MyPlateMyWins

Posted by MyPlate

It’s American Heart Month! Celebrate by getting your heart pumping! Adults should aim for at least 2½ hours each week of moderate physical activity for health benefits.

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing, child, shoes, tree, shorts, sky, outdoor and nature

Did you enjoy the #MyPlateChallenge? Don’t stop now! Using the SuperTracker groups feature, you can create your own challenge groups and continue the healthy competition all year long. Get your family, friends and coworkers involved now! Learn more:

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Takeout can be a quick option for dinner, but it doesn’t have to set you back on your nutrition goals. Tips for takeout: #MyPlateMyWins

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We’ve been blown away by your hard work! Keep up the real solutions you’ve found on your healthy eating journey! Congrats to these top competitors who logged the greatest number of nutritious choices this week:

1. EJMART - 1200 points
2. Jackiedm - 1160 points
3. crystalln - 1130 points

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When choosing whole-grain breads at the store, remember that color is not an indication of a whole grain. Bread can be brown because of molasses or other added ingredients. Read the ingredients and look for a whole grain listed first. More tips here:

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“Whenever I make pasta, I always throw some frozen vegetables into the pasta water about halfway through the cooking time. That way I get some extra veggies into my dish – and I only need one pot!” - Carol, baker extraordinaire and Project Coordinator at USDA

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Did you know you can search What’s Cooking by course? Make a dinner dish with all 5 food groups that your family will love, AND earn points in our #MyPlateChallenge! Now that’s what we call multi-tasking.

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Fit activity into your workday! Try walking meetings or take the stairs together at lunchtime. Find more tips for an active lifestyle:

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Parties & potlucks are a fun way to spend time with friends, family, & colleagues. Make healthier choices with these tips: #MyPlateMyWins

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