National Service Blog

Take a look inside the world of national service and volunteering to learn how AmeriCorps and Senior Corps improve lives, foster civic engagement, and strengthen communities across the country.

The Modern Maturity Center, Inc.

AmeriCorps Seniors: Creativity and Community During COVID-19

While needs have increased exponentially due to COVID-19, programs like the Modern Maturity Center, Inc. (MCC) that engage senior volunteers are... Read More
AmeriCorps members respond to COVID-19

November 20: AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors COVID-19 Response

More than 21,400 AmeriCorps Members and AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteers Actively Engaged in COVID-19 Response
Members of the Thames Valley Council for Community Action meet with AmeriCorps.

A Lifetime of Service: Veterans Serve Through AmeriCorps Seniors

Veteran AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteers Create New, Innovative Service Models
Members of Washington Vet Corps share their experience.

Even Amidst a Pandemic, Veterans Never Stop Serving

Veterans respond to COVID-19 in their communities through AmeriCorps.
Veterans and AmeriCorps members from AmeriCorps program, Leave No Veteran Behind

Veteran AmeriCorps Members Put Service Before Self

National service can be a chance for veterans to become part of a new community, utilize their leadership skills, gain additional experience, and... Read More
Emily Ward and her colleagues pose in front of a sculpture.

An AmeriCorps VISTA Taking On Poverty and Racial Injustice in Higher Education

Welcome to the Poverty + Racial Injustice Stories Project. Our nation is experiencing an awakening, and for some, an introduction to the injustices... Read More

When Disaster Strikes, AmeriCorps Responds

AmeriCorps is Responding to Disasters in California, Iowa, Louisiana, Oregon, Texas, and More!
A message rom the CEO, AmeriCorps brand launch

A message from our CEO

Service to others is at the heart of who we are as Americans. A sense of shared responsibility is woven into the fabric of our nation.
Jessica Bulling smiles for the camera, wearing a red shirt and a blue scarf. It is a sunny day and there are green trees in the background.

Jessica Bulling: An AmeriCorps VISTA Using Her Passion for Education to Break the Cycle of Poverty

Welcome to the Poverty + Racial Injustice Stories Project. Our nation is experiencing an awakening, and for some, an introduction to the injustices... Read More
AmeriCorps VISTA member using Zoom to tell stories and connect communities

AmeriCorps VISTA Uses Power of Storytelling to Impact Lives

Jillian Maynard is helping the aging Jewish community in Youngstown, Ohio tell their stories. From surviving the Holocaust to making a new life in... Read More
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