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     >> that's always the site. the drag queen known as sushi dropping in her red super sized stiletto. this is the 16th year in a row sushi presided over this celebration. they watched a conch shell drop to the countdown to the new year. they were noisy in boise ringing in the new year by dropping that. eye aurp si a super sized idaho potato. the giant spud measured about 16 feet in length. pope francis presided over new year's mass. he offered words of strength, courage, and hope as the world begins a new year. the world doing it a bunch of different ways. it's a bitter cold start and the northern plains and upper midwest, they are well below zero and barely above elsewhere. snow is falling in the central third of the country headed for the east coast and expected to hit new york and boston overnight tonight with a foot or more of snow expected in some areas. get ready for that. kevin tibbles joins us from chicago. happy new year to you and happy cold one. i am hearing the guys are expecting the big 0. >> old man winter showed up last night. about a half foot of snow on the ground here. oddly a lot of times when you think it snows it warms up. that's an optical illusion. it is bone-chilling cold out here. not too many people ventured outside. perhaps they are finishing off the parties from of theula night. it's an awfully cold day here in chicago. just east of us in the big house in michigan, they will be having that big outdoor hockey game.
     happy mother's day! happy mother's day! >>> hi, i'm greg gutfeld now. here's what's coming up. one presumptive nominee down, one to go. it's like musical chairs without the music or the chairs. my god, it's nothing like musical chairs. who is hillary's biggest challenge, is it bernie or donald. don't ask me. i'm heavy medicated. >>> let's get started, america. i won 11 bucks on the berdy and it's burning a hole in my pocket. >>> let's woman kom tonight's guest. prolific as i am horrific. "the new york times" best selling author, brad thor, the greatest name ever. brad author. latest book comes out next month. she knows ballots like i know mallets. democrat pollster jessica tarlof. like a coconut filled with eels, gavin mcguinness, host of the gavin mcguinness show. don't egg him on. she just redecorated her vacation home, meaning she threw up in a liquor store. joanne nov chin ski.
     the china daily looks at president xi jinping's attendance, reporting that he hopes to inject positivity into the recovery of the global economy. facebook is trying to crack down on fake news in germany, with fears false reports may sway voters ahead of elections there this year. the ft reports questionable articles will be analysed by a third party factchecker. with india's hopes to be a more cashless economy — to halt black market money — the business standard looks at whether cheaper smartphones can be made for the mass market. a meticulously prepared meal service is becoming more sought after in china. part inspired by british tv show downton abbey, china's seen a sharp rise in people training to be butlers. that's in the international new york times. and after nearly 150 years, the big top of the ringling brothers and barnum & bailey circus will finally come down. the show‘s closing because fewer people are going to see it.
     >>> good morning, america. >>> good morning, america. breaking news, terror crackdown. major operations across europe overnight, dozens arrested. police in a fierce gun battle with extremists, shots ringing out and explosions rock one neighborhood and the fear this morning about more plots underway. >>> also breaking this morning, urgent manhunt. police in florida searching for two heavily armed men suspected in a deadly robbery spree. people told to stay inside their homes. more than 100 officers going door to door. the very latest right now. >>> dash cam drama. take a look at this. a tire flies down the highway and crashes through this windshield in an instant, the sunroof shattering. how did the driver survive? >>> please welcome your host for the evening, from "magic mike 2," michael strahan. ♪ >>> and magic michael, our own michael strahan, tearing it up as host of the critics' choice movie awards from selfies with the stars to shocking costume changes, taking us behind the scenes of that blockbuster bash. >> i'm giving you backstage exclusive access. ♪ feeling in my soul ♪ >>> and good morning, america. boy, whenever you think michael strahan showed you all the game he's got, takes it to another level. >> he's always all in. he's all in. >> he's committed. >> oh wow. >> he's going to share more with us a little -- to do that in front of the a-list stars but michael did that. >>> of course as always a lot of news to get to first on this friday morning beginning with those terror sweeps dozens arrested overnight and imminent attack thwarted amid growing
     that teenagers face in britain today? pm may: well, my right honorable friend raises a very important point. one of the things i spoke about when i spoke about mental health on monday is actually trying to ensure we can provide better training for staff and teachers, to identify the early stages of mental health problems for young people so that those problems can be addressed. i think it is something like half of all mental health problems start before the age of 14, a real issue we need to address. we are going to look at how we can provide that training and we will be looking at a number of other ways. we will also be reviewing the mental health services provided for young people, to ensure we can identify what is working and make sure that is spread across the country. >> angus robertson. >> may i begin with the tribute to father george thompson, who died shortly before christmas. he led a remarkable life as a teacher, as a priest, and as a
     aptioning sponsored by aptioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer producons >> lehrer: good evening, i jim hrer. on the newshour this esday the lead ory: the coming cision on u.s. troops in afghanistan. magaret warner has our coverag then afterhe other news of the day, judy wodruff sets the contextor the president's announcement. lowell bergman of froline repos on how the military is tackling consumer debt >> i had sailors stands gat guard becae they were uble to deoy on the submarine because they had financial issueshat needed to be resolved. >> lehrer: ray suarez oks at the larst ever recall of children's cribs. and jeffrey brown profiles choreographer w connects art anlife. >>n stage. a room full of new yorkers, a thousand-us singing (snging). major funding fo the newshour with jim lehrer is pvided by: >> what the wor needs now is energy. thenergy to get the economy humming again the energy totackle challens like climate cnge. wht is tt energy came from an energy company? everyday, chevron invests $62 million in people, in ids-- eeking, teaching, builng. fueling owth around the world to move us all ahd. this the power of human energy. chevro
     florida,.hospitals as a baby. she was found living in south carolina with who she believes was her abductor. that alleged abductor has been arrested. she'll be extradited back to florida. an amazing story to think after so many years. >> and apparently her biological mother always knew she was alive. i guess you have that certain feeling. what a beautiful reunion. >>> get ready for a much milder week ahead. sheena parveen will let us know if you need the heavy coat for maybe going to a parade or volunteering on this martin luther king day. >>> and thanks to the recent cold weather, a lot of you probably notice your power bill going up, but we're working with you to keep it down. >>> why it's more than convenience that makes frozen meals something to buy. >>> and if you have to fill up this morning,
     captioning sponsored by captioning sponsored by macneil/lehrer productions >> lehrer: good evening. i'm jim lehrer. on the newshour this monday, the lead story: an economic snapshot as home sales rise. ray suarez examines the turnaround prospects. then, after the other news of the day, margaret warner has the latest on a terrorist group allegedly recruiting young somali-american men. judy woodruff has a "big picture" conversation about health care reform after saturday's senate vote. fred de sam lazaro reports on the economic boom in india, as
     very jim shanley and his daughter megan, producing trop grade fruits and vaenl tabl on their family farm has never been a problem. but getting national name brand recognition for their produce, that's been mighty tough. >> marketing your products is never easy no matter how unique they are or how wonderful the presentation is. >> my dad had to sit me down and say, there's not that money there. think of another way. and as much as i despised him for it, i'm thankful now because it's opened my eyes to how many different ways you can go about it. >> the shanley's grow small scale specialty crops on top of this hill here in california. >> we grow avocados, fingerer limes, we grow lemons which are packed in a generic packing house, kiwis which we marktd under the sierra sweet brand. >> at first they put everything into creating individual brands
     clowns, unicorns, and monkeys? they rock. i love the chili peppers. >> they ripped off faith no more. let's face it. >> it's your turn, bob. the red hot chili peppers have been known in the past to not only come out without their shirts on, but to come out wearing only socks, and not on their feet. >> who the hell is bruno mars? >> sounds like a professional wrestler. >> he's a big pop star. >> that answers it. and the chili peppers. i'm with dana, give me country, willie nelson, i'll be happy. >> oh, yeah, he gets the crowd going, willie nelson. >> look at bruno mars. >> willie nelson for a halftime show. she puts everyone to sleep. >> is this bruno mars right here? >> no, that's the chili peppers. >> where's bruno mars? >> why, what are you going to call him? >> he's a great star. >> i never heard of the guy before. how can i give him credit? i don't know if he's good or not, and i don't care. my earpiece popped out. that happens a lot. >> are they waiting for us outside? we have something special for you. >> i'm taking this off. >> who was -- any favorites, halftime? >> u2 after 9/11. beautiful day was actually a moving experience. most of the other -- i think when they got away from marching bags, it was over for me. there was something low-key about having bands there. then when pop culture, again, it infects everything else. it ticks me off. it's a game. enjoy the game. >> what about you? >> i do love a marching band, and they're so good. extremely talented and there could be a contest and the best marching band for the school. >> the guy who has to run out front kicking his feet up. i thought janet jackson was my favorite. >> of course, that was your favorite. >> we're going to throw it. here we go, no, how about that one. pregame trash talking going on already between the seahawks' richard sherman and broncos' peyton manning. sherman says peyton throws dead-duck footballs. peyton shot back saying a lot of those end up in the end zone. we wondered, how hard is it to throw the perfect spiral. sending out to k.g., our own fiver, who is with none other than star quarterback joe theismann. >> you know this guy? he's amazing and he's trying to turn me into a pretty decent football player. we're going to do that in a moment. i want to ask you a question about the game, and as a champion quarterback, it's friday. what are the quarterbacks thinking about this point in the game to prepare themselves? >> the first thing the quarterbacks are thinking about is thank goodness all the media commitments are over. i finally have a chance to go out and focus on the game. this is sagame where you want to relax, take a step back, have an opportunity to reflect on what the next 48 hours are going to be like, and sort of get your head straight. you want to settle down, calm down, now that you don't have to worry about the media commitment, that media commitment, dinner, interviews, all you focus on now is
     the dallas fans could not make a quick getaway after their team lost because of a tornado warning. signs around the stadium read severe weather, shelter in place. 60 mile an hour winds and lightning hit that area. about two hours later, the all clear was issued, and then everybody was allowed to leave and go home. >> it is 4:40, and just days remain for the outgoing president, obama 0. >> you have to admit, this is one of the strangest transitions in history. >> it's unusual. i'll agree with that. >> coming up at 5:00, the president's latest comments on the incoming administration. >> but first, what started out as a small problem has gotten much, much bigger. coming up, what officials in pacifica say caused this judge
     standing homes would be exempt. nine cities in california already have a stem similar ban in effect. let's go to clayton. >> next guest taken part army seal chris kyle. trying to help a retired marine. reportedly suffering from ptsd. joining us is a vietnam veteran and member of the sarasota veterans commission gene sceney. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning. absolutely great to be here. >> well, we were showing folks video off the statue there in our introduction there. why did chris keil's story move you in such a way to want to do this and create this statue? can you hear me, sir? >> i don't know hear him. >> i think we lost gene's ifb which is the thing connected to his ear which would make it difficult to do an interview in such
     was the cia in the middle? >> i with so concentrated on of the cia in berlin. i value word going to bail me out. [laughter] . . from their starting point to their expected destination. >> it's in the book.
     scott's girlfriend thought his marriage was over, his divorce finalized. what was her reaction to getting the real story? she must have been upset? >> more hurt, probably than upset, because i think she'd fallen in love with him. >> he'd been lying like a sidewalk. >> that's right. >> and you had no idea that woman was associated with him that way either, did you? >> i had met her once or twice, but i just thought they were friends. i didn't think it was anything else. >> this was betrayal in all capital letters. >> that's a very good word. >> you are betrayed. >> lied to. yeah. taken advantage of in a way. >> kelsey may have been surprised, but teresa's mom and sister, they knew better, because this wasn't scott's first dance with infidelity, oh, no. there had been others. in fact, scott and teresa divorced during one of his affairs. that was just after kelsey was
     philadelphia is target of vandalism. >> and mob boss scarfo sdis behind bars. and a local reporter remembers i his impact on the mob. >> and a day off to remember dr. martin luther king jr. >> today is monday, january 1 16, good morning, jim donovan is off. let's check with katie and meisha. >> happy monday for you. >> happy mlk day indeed. it's going to be fairly slow. parents will take off work, 4:0 in the morning you're looking nice out there. >> excellent, excellent, and if you have any plans to do service work outside it's looking good. temperatures should be smith above average. it's quiet and clear for one thing. we'll see clouds building with time throughout the course of the day. it's a sign of new system as it
     comes out of texas from this weekend. we'll show you some other locations as well but starting off in texas where a winter storm brought ice and freezing rain to a large part of the central u.s. on sunday, trees and fences were covered by ice and it created icy road conditions and sadly, at least three people died in traffic accidents because of the slippery roadways. over in california we had another weather situation. very snowy, huge amounts of snowfall to the sierra mountains. more than 5 meters of snow fell since last week and it made the best conditions for skiers and snow boarders. here's this low pressure system in the central plains of the united states. lots of icy conditions and it looks pretty if you look at it, but it is quite messy and the reason why it took place is we have colder up in the higher areas of the atmosphere and we have warm air coming in from the south and that's cutting in the middle of the air and then down
     fbi agents at her home outside san francisco. a person familiar with details of the arrest was charged with obstruction. president-elect trump will spend part of martin luther king day with the oldest son of dr. martin luther king jr. sean spicer says trump will meet with martin luther king iii. this morning trump tweeted out that we should celebrate all the things that he stood for and we should honor him for being the great man that he was this all comes as trump is taking a lot a twitterter going on attack against democratic representative john lewis, the civil rights icon who questioned the legitimacy of trump's winning the white house. stephanie ramos in northwest has more. on this martin luther king jr. day, the feud between donald trump and a civil rights icon continues. i think the russians participated in helping this man get elected, and they helped
     backyard. which is a big deal in cleveland. i guess they don't have a lot of that going on there. we don't have that here, but even though they weren't able to get actual footage of a bear, they got some exciting video for the 6:00 news. >> i was so pumped, i was sweating. >> sweating because a black bear was roaming through tina's back yard. >> the operator said what is your emergency? i said you're not going to believe this, but there's a black bear in my woods. >> tina was too stunned to get a picture, but this is probably what the bear looked like, except real. in a few minutes later, it was spotted through the home. this recreation shows how the bear escaped in the woods, according to witnesses. >> what kind of cgi did they use to get that effect? it would have been great if someone had shot him. running through the -- that wasn't it either. they showed for no apparent reason that bears are excellent climbers. >> the naturalist carly martin explains that black bears can be on the ground or can climb in trees. [ laughter ] >> shame on you, cleveland metro
     this country. >> i believe with them. we have an african-american president, the african-american youth has essentially never done worse. you look at the unemployment in the '50s, you look at african-american people that are 30 and 35 and 40 at the height of their strength and their lives they're doing horribly. president obama an terrible job for african-americans. donald trump will do a great job for african-americans. i'll be back jobs from china a a many other places. i will be great for african-americans. >> more from donald trump in just a minute and then the democrats. hillary clinton and bernie sanders both join us live this week ahead of tonight's big debate. the attacks are coming hard and fast. >>> "this week" with george stephanopoulos brought to you by pacific life.
     i know that your report -- i think all of you have hit on this. that our response to the traditional financing of al qaeda as the professor outlined, our response was sanctions and restrictions on proper banking practices and things like that, anti money laundering statutes. but the way that isis is operating now, they are internally generating this revenue. so they're not relying on principally on qatar and saudi arabia. so we have to get at the oil revenue. i understand, professor, in your report that you indicate the second largest source of revenue for isis is the selling of antiquities. but that's -- i think they will exhaust that at some point. it's the oil that is going to be -- if they are going to have a sustainable system here, an
     mexico? what was that like for them? >> they came here for a better life for their children. you hear stories about how they struggled when they got here. they were working hard to make sure we can go to college. seeing their struggle, that was own service, his form of service. it has always been about paying back. impact. had a huge what can i do to help create opportunities for others?
     collection. . >> kpix5 news is sponsored by buick. go blonde! >>> she's famous for her kind of government looks, but tonight ncis star polly perrette says she may have to go blonde. >> here's why. >> i heard you already have. >> reporter: poor polly from glam on the red carpet straight to the emergency room looking like this all from a routine hair dye job. >> she's experienced here is a bit of an instant shock to her system which to some people can be really, really dangerous. it's like a bee sting. it could be deadly. >> reporter: some would say black hair dye has a lot of pigment and combine that with ammonia and you could have a
     but first, based on your comments here today, do you believe the hacking was justified? does russia have any leverage over you, financial or otherwise, and if not, will you release your tax returns to prove it? >> so i tweeted out that i have no dealings with russia. i have no deals in russia. i have no deals that could happen in russia, because we've stayed away. and i have no loans with russia. as a real estate developer i have very, very little debt. i have assets that are -- and now people have found out how big the company is, i have very low debt. but i have no loans with russia at all. and i thought that was important to put out. i certified that. so i have no deals. i have no loans. and i have no dealings. we could make deals in russia very easily if we wanted to. i just don't want to because i think that would be a conflict. so i have no loans, no dealings, and no current pending deals. now, i have to say one other thing. over the weekend, i was offered
     new developments tonight. a war of words brewing between the president-elect and john brennan. on fox news, john brennan says donald trump does not appreciate the threat that russia poses. a few hours ago, donald trump back on twitter, of course. crimea, andia, ukraine. john brennan also said the national security questions donald trump faces are not about him. make sure that now the is going to have the opportunity to do something as opposed to tweeting will have tremendous responsibility to make sure that national security interests are protected. kimberly: donald trump also accused john brennan of freaking the intelligence report saying, was this the weaker of fake news? the head of the d.c. national guard plans to step down during
     >> i think it's a really big moment for him. immigration has been a central issue for donald trump and in the last week, given all of the statements that we've seen, we know a little less about his stance on immigration and particularly what to do with the undocumented immigrants who live in this country than we knew a week ago. so for such a signature issue for him, some clarity and what he wants to be able to do and accomplish is very important for him and his campaign hillary clinton and her six-point lead, yes, it's down from eight points last week but, still, it's a healthy lead. barack obama, when he beat john mccain in 2008, and you're still in a pretty good ce >> that poll didn't go to battle grounds states, did it?
     of the orlando nightclub shooter has been arrested. we're going to tell you why. >> reporter: the investigation continues into the fiery crash last thursday night. you see the roadside memorial there. two young lives taken, one of the victims celebrating her 21st birthday. coming up, what we are learning about them and how the community is coming together to support their families. >>> twrracking diversity in the work force. the i team reveals congress is not leading by example on that one. >>> i'm tracking rain out there. some showers across parts of the area tonight. everybody gets in on the action tomorrow. a little bit of a stormy
     opinion page in germany and the netherlands. check out his stuff. it's really good and you might get addicted. the manifesto was published last fall in the u.s. and is also on sale tonight. ..
     the virginia tech campus killing 32 people. >>> to politics now, hillary clinton's lead over donald trump is starting to dwindle a bit. this week's nbc news survey monkey online tracking poll shows clinton leading trump 48 to 42%. she had a 50% support last week. and the group that trump might be moving is the independents. two weeks ago, clinton led trump 40 to 32%. tonight it's down to four points, 37-33%. our political editor mark murray is joining us. trump is out west and will give a speech about immigration. he's been apparently appeared to have flip-flopped a little bit on his immigio >> i think it's a really big moment for him.