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Puerto Rico


Population of State Living in Coastal Areas

20.2 Billion
Heron at the shore

Coastal Employment

Annual Wages


Climate and Weather Disasters

(Affecting Puerto Rico 2010 to 2018)*

Coastal Demographics

Of the total population of 3.6 million in Puerto Rico, 2.4 million people live in coastal portions of the territory.

Coastal Economy

Coastal Puerto Rico employs almost 696,000 people annually, earning a total of almost $20 billion.

Natural Hazards

Two billion-dollar weather disasters affected Puerto Rico between 2010 and 2018. Hurricanes Irma and Maria both hit Puerto Rico in 2017. Hurricane Maria was the strongest hurricane to make landfall there since 1928. It caused over 2,900 fatalities and widespread devastation to the island’s transportation, agriculture, communication, and energy infrastructure. Maria’s total costs were over $92 billion.*

Coastal Resources

Puerto Rico’s coral reefs provide millions of dollars in protection to buildings and the local economy every year—over $183.7 million every year (including Culebra and Vieques, Puerto Rico).**

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Short Stories: Making a Difference in Puerto Rico

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