The Safe Place to Learn resource package provides a range of materials to support school efforts to prevent and eliminate peer-to-peer sexual harassment and sexual violence.  It is designed to help establish and maintain a safe, supportive learning environment and mitigate factors that interfere with learning. This resource package supports school district and school staff efforts to:

  • comply with Title IX sex discrimination prohibitions and
  • create a positive school climate.

Safe Place to Learn is one set of materials among a diverse collection of tools commissioned by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. This resource includes: guidance for administrators; e-learning modules for all school staff; a coordinated response team planning guide and training module; a trauma sensitivity training module; and action steps, discussion guides, bystander supports, and other resources.

Contents of the Resource Package 




  1. Implementation Guide (PDF)

All district staff, including teachers, classified staff, and support personnel

The guide summarizes the intent of the resource package, lays out the recommended use of the materials, and provides a glossary for understanding the terms used to discuss issues and actions.

  1. Leading a Safe Place to Learn  (PDF)


The guide contains information for working with your Title IX coordinator and using the three instruments to support positive change-- Title IX compliance, positive school climate, and trauma sensitivity. The guide also emphasizes the need to make sure everyone is familiar with all school policies and procedures relevant to the topics covered in this resource and know where to find them.

  1. Staff E-Learning Modules

All building staff, including teachers

Three brief e-learning units with checklists and handouts (1) explain the school's obligations with regard to sexual harassment; authority of the designated Title IX coordinator; range of unwelcome sexual conduct up to and including bullying and sexual harassment and violence; incidence and impact on students; and strategies for addressing all forms of harassment, not just those staff might consider severe; (2) describe major components needed to plan, implement, and evaluate efforts to build a positive school climate; and (3) provide strategies for all staff to use to promote healthy relationships, teach bystander intervention, and handle allegations of sexual harassment. 

  1. Coordinated Response Team Planning Guide (PDF)

Staff responsible for intercessions
with and response to students, including teachers

The quick guide supports staff planning a coordinated response to bullying, sexual harassment and violence, including taking a team approach, developing a coordinated response to sexual harassment and allegations, and learning about trauma sensitivity.

  1. Training Module 4: Trauma Sensitivity at School (video file)

Staff responsible for intercessions
with and response to students, including teachers

The e-learning unit describes the impact and incidence of trauma among youth, effects on brain development, and strategies for management.

  1. Handouts and Worksheets (PDF)

All staff

Handouts address specific issues encountered by students and staff. Worksheets guide staff examining the school environment and developing self-care habits.