Governor Eric Holcomb

"No task will go farther toward promoting equal economic opportunity throughout Indiana than a good education. That’s why I’ve made developing our workforce a top priority. It’s a passion."

Governor Eric Holcomb

The Latest

Putting CARES Act Funds To Work: Getting Main Street Back on its Feet

Putting CARES Act Funds To Work: Getting Main Street Back on its Feet

“As the state has rolled out over $1 billion of the CARES Act monies to the individuals and businesses affected ...
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National Governors Association Leadership Calls on Congress to Deliver a COVID Relief Bill and Support States Before Recessing

National Governors Association Leadership Calls on Congress to Deliver a COVID Relief Bill and Support States Before Recessing

New York Governor and National Governors Association Chairman Andrew Cuomo and Arkansas Governor and NGA Vice Chairman Asa Hutchinson issued ...
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Putting CARES Act Funds To Work: Prioritizing Testing and PPE to Protect Americans

Putting CARES Act Funds To Work: Prioritizing Testing and PPE to Protect Americans

Federal support is needed to ensure that states and territories have the necessary PPE and testing resources to protect our ...
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Putting CARES Act Funds to Work: Investing in Education, Investing in Recovery

Putting CARES Act Funds to Work: Investing in Education, Investing in Recovery

Federal support is needed to ensure school safety, as well as protect public health, stimulate the economy, coordinate and support ...
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coronavirus image

National Governors Association Leadership Calls on Congress to Prioritize State and Local Aid

‘This Is a National Problem, and It Demands a Bipartisan and National Solution’ WASHINGTON – New York Governor and National ...
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Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

Current Information On Actions States/Territories Have Taken To Address The COVID-19 Pandemic; As Well As Advocacy, Policy, And Guidance Documents For Protecting Public Health And The Economy.

Best Practices

Teams from the Center for Best Practices work with state policy leaders and other experts in fostering information sharing between states to research, develop and implement innovative solutions to public policy challenges.

The Road Ahead:  Planning for Electric Vehicles by Managing Grid Interactions

The Road Ahead: Planning for Electric Vehicles by Managing Grid Interactions

This paper includes recommendations to help Governors meet their EV goals and provides strategies that can improve the interplay between ...
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The Future of  State Telehealth Policy

The Future of State Telehealth Policy

This paper summarizes the types of telehealth policy flexibilities provided by states and the federal government during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
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Information Systems and Data Flow for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration

Information Systems and Data Flow for COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution and Administration

The paper discusses systems and data flow implications for vaccine allocation, distribution, administration, tracking, and reporting, including a visual depiction ...
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State Covid-19 Testing Web Resources

State Covid-19 Testing Web Resources

This list contains links to state and territory web resource pages for COVID-19 testing. The web resource pages provide information ...
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Informing Health Care Workforce Policy by Leveraging Data: A Toolkit for States

Informing Health Care Workforce Policy by Leveraging Data: A Toolkit for States

By collecting standardized information on licensed health care professionals, states can streamline health care workforce data collection and analysis to ...
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Supporting State Behavioral Health Systems During COVID-19 Response and Recovery

Supporting State Behavioral Health Systems During COVID-19 Response and Recovery

This paper identifies for Governors the key issues that are currently challenging state behavioral health systems, along with actions that ...
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Governor Strategies to Expand Affordable Broadband Access

Governor Strategies to Expand Affordable Broadband Access

Access to high quality, affordable broadband unlocks access to commerce, remote work opportunities, remote and improved education, telehealth, intelligent agriculture, ...
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State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool Demonstration

State Resilience Assessment and Planning Tool Demonstration

The SRAP tool is meant to help Governors and their staff assess state resilience, identify gaps, and plan for disasters ...
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Summary of Established State Thresholds (View/Download) Introduction As the country continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring high-quality K-12 education ...
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States’ Winter Holiday and Celebration Safety Guidance during COVID-19

States’ Winter Holiday and Celebration Safety Guidance during COVID-19

This list outlines states’ health and safety guidance and considerations for winter holidays (e.g., Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, New Year’s) and ...
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We believe in bringing creative skills, thoughts and ideas to the table. Connect with the governors who serve as Chair and Vice Chair, as well as the association’s Executive Director, and understand how state teams and NGA staffers are addressing important public policy issues.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo


Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson



Now is the time for the federal government to follow the example of governors and prioritize fixing our infrastructure to get our economy back on track. By holding summits across the country, learning the best practices from both governors and international leaders, as well private sector stakeholders, Governor Hogan has identified key priorities that Congress and the Administration should address.


Stay on top of what’s happening by connecting with the National Governors Association on social channels. We’re providing regular updates from the many initiatives across NGA — and we want to hear from you.