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Pharmacy Pricing

View, filter, sort, visualize, and share Pharmacy Pricing Data available on Data.Medicaid.gov. Export data in a variety of formats including Excel.

Federal Upper Limits

We calculate the Affordable Care Act Federal Upper Limits (FUL) data according to the Medicaid Covered Outpatient Drug final regulation with comment. We update FULs monthly, and they are effective on the first day of the month following the publication of the update. States have up to 30 days after the effective date to implement the FULs. View the Affordable Care Act FUL Methodology and Data Elements Guide and find more information on the FUL program on the Federal Upper Limits page.

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National Average Drug Acquisition Cost

We update the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) data and comparison data weekly. Each month we post new data, including findings from the previous month’s survey and weekly price changes that have occurred before the release of the next month’s NADAC data. For more information on the fields in the NADAC data, please review the NADAC Data Field Definitions. Find more NADAC information on the Survey of Retail Prices page. 

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NADAC Comparison Data

Easily identify and understand the pricing changes that occur each week by viewing NADAC Weekly Comparison data to accompany the weekly NADAC data. This comparison data identifies the drug products with current NADAC rates that are replaced with new NADAC rates. We do not reflect other changes to the NADAC data (for example, National Drug Code additions and terminations) in this comparison. For more information on the data fields used in the weekly comparison, please review the NADAC Week to Week Data Field Definitions.

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