AALAS National Meeting

Registration for the AALAS 71st Virtual National Meeting is now closed!

Each fall since 1950, the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science has held its annual National Meeting. During the five days of the meeting, members and nonmembers come together to enjoy the workshops, lectures, poster sessions, and exhibits. The program is designed to have topics relevant to the entire membership. Exhibitors have an opportunity to interact with AALAS members from the academic community, research institutions, government organizations, and commercial companies. The AALAS National Meeting is the largest gathering in the world of professionals concerned with the production, care, and use of laboratory animals.

2020 AALAS Virtual National Meeting Site

We are planning a virtual National Meeting for 2020 due to the pandemic. A special spotlight forum for 2020 is devoted to overcoming challenges in LAS. Who among us has not had to deal with a challenge in their work, particularly this year? Whether you are a researcher that has had to change a study design, a manager who has had to figure out how to schedule proper animal care in the midst of a snowpocalypse, or a husbandry technician that developed a better and safer way to transfer animals from one cage to another, this topic applies. We all deal with challenges every day so we challenge you to bring your best forward for the 2020 National Meeting!

Virtual Meeting Program

Opening General Session Features Keynote Speaker, Brant Menswar

Brant has also created an engaging and self-reflective values assessment called Black Sheep. This worksheet exercise is designed to help you identify what matters most to you in your life. This is a first step to a deeper journey of self-discovery and is not intended to reveal the absolute truth. This step will require vulnerability, honesty, and commitment. Separating what you find really important from your true non-negotiables takes time, exploration, and proof. Your journey is about to begin!

CE Activities

AALAS will provide a record form that attendees of the Virtual National Meeting can download and use to track their CE activities from the sessions they attend. This form will allow you to create your own record of attendance - what sessions you viewed, whether presented live or watched as a recording - and will include all essential information about the CE activity. The record form will be appropriate for use with the Technician Registry, CMAR, ACLAM, and your state veterinary boards for veterinary and veterinary technician license renewal.

To help those interested in CE for license renewal, the American Association of Veterinary State Boards was consulted for recommendations on CE from our meeting. Their response was, because each state varies, everyone will want to verify with their own state's veterinary board for any special requirements on CE and record-keeping.

In your CE records file, please remember to keep a copy of your Virtual National Meeting registration confirmation, in case you are chosen for an audit by your state veterinary board. Audits typically request records from one to several years prior.

2020 Record of Participation

2019 National Meeting On Demand  


Kent Scientific