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Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators: Progress Update

A pie chart depicting the status of the 26 HP2020 Leading Health IndicatorsThe Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) are a select subset of 26 Healthy People 2020 objectives chosen to communicate high-priority health issues.

Progress has been generally positive toward achieving these targets from 2010 to 2014. Fourteen of the 26 indicators (53.9%) have either met their target or shown improvement:

  • 4 indicators (15.4%) have met or exceeded their Healthy People 2020 targets.
  • 10 indicators (38.5%) are improving.
  • 8 indicators (30.8%) show little or no detectable change.
  • 3 indicators (11.5%) are getting worse.
  • 1 indicator (3.8%) has only baseline data.

View the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators: Progress Update Executive Summary [PDF – 1.7 MB] to see a snapshot of progress for the LHIs.

Choose an LHI topic below for a summary on progress toward the indicators.

Access to Health Services   Clinical and Preventive Services   Environmental Quality   Injury and Violence
Access to Health Services [PDF – 405 KB]   Clinical Preventive
Services [PDF – 480 KB]
  Environmental Quality [PDF – 272 KB]   Injury and Violence [PDF – 267 KB]
Maternal, Infant, and Child Health   Mental Health   Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity   Oral Health
Maternal, Infant,
and Child Health [PDF – 258 KB]
  Mental Health [PDF – 246 KB]   Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity [PDF – 297 KB]   Oral Health [PDF – 360 KB]
Reproductive and Sexual Health   Social Determinants   Substance Abuse   Tobacco
Reproductive and Sexual Health [PDF – 397 KB]   Social Determinants [PDF – 348 KB]   Substance Abuse [PDF – 385 KB]   Tobacco [PDF – 283 KB]