Species Conflicts

Conceptual Framework for Addressing Conflicts with Migratory Bird Species

conceptual framework for species management

Conceptual framework for addressing conflicts with migratory bird species.

Migratory Bird Program staff are increasingly being asked to evaluate and respond to conflicts in which a protected migratory bird species is perceived to be negatively affecting a resource to the extent that intervention is necessary to reduce the effects. The conflicts are occurring across social, economic, environmental, and regulatory contexts. Each is somewhat unique in terms of species biology, stakeholders involved, extent of damage, and other factors. These conflicts can range from minimal, such as a minor nuisance, to potentially significant economic and ecological damages, or risks to human health and safety.

To better address these conflicts, we have developed a systematic approach to promote consistency and coordination with stakeholders in identifying and implementing management solutions. This approach is a conceptual framework of step-wise guidance to identify management options that could be implemented to resolve conflicts, including identifying whether lethal take is necessary, and, if so, the necessary level of lethal take to reduce the conflict. This process is designed to be biologically defensible and to promote efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency.

Development of the framework included review and incorporation of comments from the Migratory Bird Program Leadership Team, the USFWS Regional Permit Chiefs, the Flyway Councils,  USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the  Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and USFWS Tribal liaisons. The intent is for the framework to be used and after two years it will be determined if it should be added as a Service manual chapter.

 Download the framework ( bytes)

Last Updated: August 21, 2018