Plan Documents

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These documents affirm the vision of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and of the U.S., Canada and Mexico to recover waterfowl populations by restoring and managing wetland ecosystems, to conserve biological diversity in the Western Hemisphere, to integrate wildlife conservation with sustainable economic development, and to promote conservation partnerships of public and private agencies, organizations and individuals.

2018 North American Waterfowl Management Plan Update
 2018 North American Waterfowl Management Plan Update(18.5MB)

More information about the 2018 NAWMP Update process is available at

Previous Plan updates:
 2012 North American Waterfowl Management Plan (2.6MB)
 2012 NAWMP Action Plan (3.3MB)
 2012 NAWMP Revision Revised Objectives (4.4MB)

 2004 NAWMP Strategic Guidance (2.2MB)
 2004 NAWMP Implementation Framework (2.3MB)

 1998 NAWMP Update (2.5MB)

 1994 NAWMP Update (20.2MB)

 Original North American Waterfowl Management Plan, 1986 (12.5MB)

Continental Assessment Report
In 2005, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Committee initiated its first continent-wide assessment of the plan's goals and accomplishments. This assessment examined what had been accomplished over the first 20 years of the plan's existence to determine the extent to which waterfowl populations in North America have benefited from efforts conducted under the plan's guidance.

The purposes of assessment were to:
•identify desired biological outcomes and habitat conditions needed to achieve those outcomes
• help to strengthen the scientific underpinnings of the plan and the joint ventures, specifically assessing the status of adaptive processes needed to ensure continuous improvement in plan programs
• reevaluate the resources needed to attain the full vision of the plan
• help to improve the effectiveness of institutional infrastructures and relationships, especially with regard to communication between the joint ventures and the Plan Committee.

This comprehensive analysis was conducted by a group of preeminent waterfowl and habitat scientists from federal, state, and provincial fish and wildlife agencies, universities, and private sector conservation organizations across North America.

 Final Continental Assessment Report (1.3MB)
 Peer Review Plan for the NAWMP Assessment Report (32.9KB)
 Peer Review Comments of Draft NAWMP Assessment Report (217.7KB)
 Peer Review Summary on Draft NAWMP Assessment Report (43KB)
 Plan Committee Response to Assessment Report (43.8KB)

 North American Waterfowl Management Plan Value Proposition (1.7MB)

White Paper on Policy Advocacy
The Continental Assessment recognized the importance of effective public and private sector policy to reduce habitat loss and increase habitat protection, restoration and enhancement locally, regionally and continentally. A Plan Committee-sponsored workshop in January 2011, brought together a small group of U.S. and Canadian Joint Venture members, academics, and government officials to explore the use of policy in meeting NAWMP goals. The resulting  white paper (862.4KB) is a foundation from which to build the tools to help joint ventures to strategically identify and address policy-relevant issues.

Last Updated: March 6, 2019