
USDA. Agricultural Research Service. National Agricultural Library (NAL).

AGRICOLA is the NAL catalog of agricultural and applied sciences from plants to animals to soil and crops. It holds one of the largest collections of veterinary and animal science information.

Years of coverage: 1970 - present
Subjects coverage: all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems, agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and earth and environmental sciences.
Content types: journal articles; bibliographies; monographs; symposia; meeting abstracts; conference proceedings; monographs in series; textbooks; newsletters; book chapters; technical reports; published theses; dissertations; reviews; patents; annual reports; guides; translated journals; teaching guides; curriculum materials; lesson plans; pamphlets; formularies; press releases; letters; editorials; research projects
Access: free online and by vendor

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

AGRIS is a global public domain database with over 4 million bibliographical records on agricultural science and technology.

Years of coverage: 1975 - present
Content types: journal articles; unpublished scientific and technical reports; theses; conference papers; government publications
Access: free online

American Society of Animal Science and the National Agricultural Library.

This site is designed to provide agriculture and life science faculty throughout the world with disease related images, animations, and video that can be used in the classroom.

Content types: images
Access: free online


This international database covers the applied life sciences, including veterinary medicine, agriculture, forestry, human nutrition, and the environment. It covers topics such as animal science, animal health, animal production, molecular biology, genetics, biotechnology, breeding, taxonomy, physiology and other aspects of pure science relating to organisms of agricultural, veterinary or environmental importance. It contains a vast amount of journals, books, and conference proceedings.

Years of coverage: 1972 - present
Content types: scientific journals; books;monographs in series; textbooks; technical reports; published theses; symposia; conference proceedings; review journals; selected patents; annual reports; bibliographies and guides; and translated journals
Access: fee based

USDA. National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Search the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) documentation and reporting system of ongoing and recently completed agricultural, food and nutrition, and forestry research. Projects are conducted or sponsored by USDA research agencies, state agricultural experiment stations, the state land-grant university system, other cooperating state institutions, and participants of USDA-administered grant programs.

Content types: reports
Access: free online

USDA. Agricultural Research Service

PIN is a searchable, online database that allows users to compare information on 2,600 annotated swine genes and proteins related to nutrition and immunity. It focuses on the linking of gene expression to gene function, identification of related gene pathways and connectivity with other porcine gene databases. Provided by USDA, Agricultural Research Service.

Access: free online


A full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters on topics including physical sciences and engineering; life sciences such as agriculture, biology, biochemistry, and neuroscience; health sciences; and social sciences and humanities.

Years of coverage: 1823 - present
Content types: journal articles; books and book chapters
Access: fee based

Clarivate Analytics.

An international, multidisciplinary database that includes information in areas such as agriculture, biological sciences, engineering, medical and life sciences, physical and chemical sciences, anthropology, law, library sciences, and the humanities. Provides access to citation databases including Science Citation Index® (SCI®). Cited reference searching allows you to track prior research, see who is citing your work, and follow new developments.

Years of coverage: 1900 - present
Content types: journal articles; review papers; meeting abstracts; letters; editorials; conference proceedings
Access: fee based