Electric Utility Line

 Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC) - APLIC has developed several guidance documents to provide information and measures to help electric utilities and cooperatives, federal power administrations, wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders to understand the potential impacts of electric utility infrastructure on birds, while offering effective solutions for helping to minimize these impacts and comply with applicable migratory birds conservation laws and regulations. The following is a list of the APLIC guidance documents available to date:

 Avian Protection Plan (APP) Guidelines. The APP Guidelines provide a framework along with principles and examples to aid utilities in their development of an APP. An Avian Protection Plan is a utility-specific program designed to reduce the operational and avian risks that result from avian interactions with electric utility facilities.

 Reducing Avian Collisions with Power Lines: The State of the Art in 2012 offers electric utilities and cooperatives, federal power administrations, wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders with specific guidance for reducing bird collisions with power lines based on the most current published science and technical information.

 Suggested Practices for Avian Protection on Power Lines: The State of the Art in 2006 provides a summary of information and best practices to help utilities understand avian and powerline interactions, and assist them in complying with federal laws and protecting and enhancing avian populations, while maintaining the reliability of electric power networks.

 Developing Power Pole Modification Agreements for Compensatory Eagle Mitigation for Wind Energy Projects provides considerations and guidance for electric utilities, wind companies, and agencies working on power pole modification agreements for compensatory mitigation for eagle take at wind facilities.

 Best Management Practices for Electric Utilities in Sage-Grouse Habitat. This manual identifies best practices and provides specific guidance to help electric utilities, electric cooperatives, federal power administrations, wildlife agencies, and other stakeholders protect sage-grouse and their habitats.

 USFWS and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) - Avoiding Osprey and Energy Infrastructure Conflicts: Information and Resources for Utilities Version The USFWS and NGPC developed this guidance document to ensure that problematic Osprey nests are recognized and managed in a proactive, consistent and lawful manner in Nebraska. Ospreys benefit from the presence of power lines by using distribution poles and transmission structures for nesting. However, the bulky nests often cause power outages when sticks interfere with electrical equipment. These guidelines are intended to inform managers of regulations and protocols for addressing problematic osprey nest situations: they are not regulatory in themselves and they are not intended to supplant onsite review or consultation.

Last Updated: April 17, 2019