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Wetlands Restoration Is Working

See the difference wetlands restoration has made at San Francisco's Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood. Here the thriving ecosystem of Heron's Head Park was born from an abandoned pier development thanks to the work of local citizens and other partners of the Joint Venture.

Featured Project

Bay Point Restoration and Public Access Project

The Bay Point restoration project spans approximately 31 acres, much of which is diked former marshland, historically used for sand dredging operations and in its current state sits as marginal quality seasonal wetlands, tidal marsh, upland and in places, bare earth. �Located at the approximate midpoint of the SF Bay and Delta, the restoration site is contiguous with existing tidal wetlands to the north, east and west and thereby will increase the overall size of wetland habitat in the area once completed (anticipated completion is sometime in 2019).

Your Wetlands Podcast

Birding Around the Bay with SFBJV Coordinator Beth Huning

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