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Early Adopters

The PACE Early Adopter program promotes applied science and applications research designed to scale and integrate PACE data into policy, business, and management activities that benefit society and inform decision making.

Who are Early Adopters?

PACE Early Adopters are groups and individuals who:
  1. Have a direct, clearly-defined need for PACE ocean color, aerosol, cloud or polarimetry data;
  2. Have an existing application or new ideas for novel PACE-related applications;
  3. Currently work with application end user(s) and can describe their decision-making process;
  4. Have an interest in utilizing a proposed PACE product; and
  5. Can apply their own resources (personnel, tools, funding, facilities, etc.) to demonstrate the utility of PACE data for their particular system or model.

Early Adopters

Join our growing list of Early Adopters who are engaged with the PACE Project! Benefits of becoming an Early Adopter include: Interacting with other EA members and the PACE Science & Applications Team, participating in PACE Applications Program activities (e.g., workshops, focus sessions, and tutorials), accessing pre-launch simulated and proxy PACE data, and getting updates on the mission, science data products, and field campaigns.


Clarissa Anderson

Applying PACE products to the California Harmful Algae Risk Mapping (C-HARM) System

Trees in a swamp

Jordan Borak

Mapping wetland vegetation parameters with PACE's Ocean Color Instrument

Damian Brady

Aquaculture site prospecting: Applying PACE products to sustainable aquaculture site selection

Dustin Carroll

Data-assimilative, global-ocean ECCO-Darwin biogeochemistry model

Hunter Erickson

Managing environments in the palm of your hand

Elizabeth Ferguson

Coastal and offshore Oregon marine mammal ecological study

Marjorie Friedrichs

Water clarity and particle size from hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance in the Chesapeake Bay

Algal bloom (Noctiluca scintillans)

Hiroto Higa

Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) and red/blue tide Detection and modeling for coastal and inland waters in Asia

Heather Holmes

Modeling spatial and temporal exposure to air pollution in the western U.S.


Antar Jutla

Predictive assessment of clinically active biothreats in coastal and ocean waters using PACE data

Harmful algal bloom

Moritz Lehmann

Harmful algal bloom detection and monitoring in the inland and coastal waters of New Zealand

Marina Marrari

Near real time satellite data distribution platform for Central America: Monitoring and fisheries applications (pezCA)

Michael Ondrusek

Development and assessment of a hyperspectral Total Suspended Matter (TSM) algorithm for PACE

Mariusz Pagowski

Assessing potential of PACE aerosol products for data assimilation

Anastasia Romanou

Shifts in biodiversity and linkages to ecosystem health and food security


Marié Smith

Hyperspectral satellite radiometry for HAB and phytoplankton functional type identification in support of South African marine industries

Richard Stumpf

Discriminating algal blooms in turbid coastal, estuarine and large lake environments

Daniel Tong

Satellite retrievals of marine aerosols and trace gases emissions

Join the Early Adopter Program

Becoming an PACE Early Adopter begins with completing an application using our online webform. After review, selected proposers will contacted by PACE Applications Program coordinators. The PACE Early Adopter Guide provides detailed information, including review and selection criteria.

There are many benefits to becoming a PACE Early Adopter. Interested? Contact us directly at pace-applications@oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov if you have any questions.

Understanding Earth Together