Injury and Mortality Reporting System


The Injury and Mortality Reporting (IMR) system is a repository for data on dead or injured birds and bats. It was created to inform the management of the US Fish & Wildlife Service's trust resources in the face of an expanding human population, the infrastructure to support it, and the consequential impact on our nation’s birds and bats. This database centralizes and standardizes the collection of information regarding sources and locations of mortality and injury. Over time, these data will become increasingly useful to assess relative levels of observed mortality from various impact sources. The IMR system is located within the Service's Environmental Conservation Online System (ECOS), which contains tools designed to assist both the public and private sectors in conserving our nation’s natural heritage. The IMR system has been used by Service staff for over a year now, and is also now useable by some external users, including partners and permittees. For more details about IMR, you may reference the  IMR Information Sheet (1.6MB).

Notice to Migratory Bird Permit holders and Utilities formerly reporting to the Bird Fatality/Injury Reporting Program (or BIMRS):

  • If you are a company who has previously reported injury and mortality data to the US Fish & Wildlife Service via the Bird Fatality/ Injury Reporting Program (also known as BIMRS) (you may or may not have a migratory bird permit with us): That system is no longer active, and users previously registered with that system are being transitioned to IMR. Please contact directly to request an IMR account and get transitioned from the old system.
  • If you have a Special Purpose Utility (SPUT) or Eagle Take permit, and are not a previous user of the Bird Fatality and Injury Reporting system: If your permit conditions require you to report your injury and mortality data to the US Fish & Wildlife Service via IMR, you may use this  IMR Quick Start Guide(75.6KB) to request an account and start logging records. Please do not use these instructions to request an account unless you have been specifically instructed to do so in your permit conditions and/or by your regional permit office.

If you already have an IMR account, please refer to this  IMR User Guide for Permittees and Industry (3.1MB) (Updated: 2/7/19) for further information on how to utilize the database and its features.

Note to Other Users/Potential Users of IMR:

If you are a federal or state agency, or a company that does not meet any of the criteria listed above that is interested in using the IMR database; or if you are a current user that has questions about IMR, please contact

Federal and State agency users of IMR, please refer to this  IMR User Guide for Federal and State (3.2MB) for further information on how to utilize the database and its features.

Last Updated: December 11, 2019