

Are you looking for opportunities for your family to learn more about our feathered friends? Do you homeschool or are you in charge of activities for camp or after school programs for your children or others'? We have many free bird-related resources available.

K-12th Grade Resources: Reading, math and scientific literacy skills and common core standards can all be mastered using birds and natural resources as your learning venue. Are you looking for a visual arts project for your students? You can incorporate history, conservation, civics, biology, math, language arts and art education using the Junior Duck Stamp Program. Our curriculum includes four free, downloadable learning guides.

The  Shorebird Sister Schools Program encourages students to learn about migration and different cultures along flyways. There is also a curriculum available for this program.

Visit our Youth Birding page to access even more resources.

Resources for Any Age: Many of our  national wildlife refuges offer workshops, events and other learning opportunities for children, families, adults and communities. Look at our Annual Festivals page to see what is offered in your area to meet your needs as an educator or a parent looking to enrich your children's connection with the outdoors.

Citizen Science Projects offered by government and nongovernment organizatons invite participants to become in data collection that is used by ornithologists and habitat managers to make decisions about conservation. Little or no training or prior experience is required for many of these projects and some are for people of all ages. All you need is a desire to help scientists help birds.

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service uses  volunteers and has a limited number of  positions for student interns.

Last Updated: August 2, 2018