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Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession

Abstract: A useful tool from the Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network that informs workforce strategies, ensuring successfully preparation, recruitment, and retention of professionals who can effectively care for individuals with substance use disorders.

Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession

The purpose of the study is to inform the development of strategies to successfully prepare, recruit and retain a sufficient number of professionals able to effectively care for individuals with SUDs. This report presents the findings of the ATTC Network’s national study, Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession.  Although SAMHSA is the primary audience for the study’s findings, the ATTC Network expects that comprehensive, nationally representative data about the specialty SUD treatment workforce will be useful to Single State Agencies, provider and professional organizations, training and education entities, individuals in the workforce, and other stakeholders.  

Tags: Workforce

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Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession

Abstract: A useful tool from the Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network that informs workforce strategies, ensuring successfully preparation, recruitment, and retention of professionals who can effectively care for individuals with substance use disorders.

Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession

The purpose of the study is to inform the development of strategies to successfully prepare, recruit and retain a sufficient number of professionals able to effectively care for individuals with SUDs. This report presents the findings of the ATTC Network’s national study, Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession.  Although SAMHSA is the primary audience for the study’s findings, the ATTC Network expects that comprehensive, nationally representative data about the specialty SUD treatment workforce will be useful to Single State Agencies, provider and professional organizations, training and education entities, individuals in the workforce, and other stakeholders.  

Tags: Workforce

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