RISS Officer Safety Website

The RISS Officer Safety Website provides secure access to vetted, trusted information and materials on topics, including armed and dangerous individuals and situations, concealments, officer safety videos, and training.  Other features include a training calendar, daily roll call, announcements, and the Officer Down Memorial.  Registered users of the VALOR Web Portal who are sworn law enforcement officers are also able to seamlessly access the RISS Officer Safety Website.

The RISS Officer Safety Website is available to all sworn law enforcement officers.  RISS is proud to provide this officer safety tool and remains committed to supporting and safeguarding our nation’s law enforcement.

RISS Officer Safety Website Brochure

RISS Officer Safety Website Screenshot

Recognizing the dangerous nature of some everyday law enforcement activities, officers must have the necessary information, resources, and tools to proactively identify, deter, and respond to criminal activities while maintaining their own safety and that of their fellow officers, as well as protecting our communities and citizens.

Training and awareness videos housed at the site show officer survival tips, traffic stops, defensive tactics, sovereign citizen encounters, and high-risk pursuits. Other features include a training calendar, daily roll call, announcements, and the Officer Down Memorial. Registered users of the VALOR Web Portal who are sworn law enforcement officers are also able to seamlessly access the RISS Officer Safety Website.

Officer contributions and feedback are essential for ensuring a dynamic, ever-changing, and comprehensive website. Officers may contribute officer safety-related information to the website and provide feedback with comments and suggestions on how RISS can continue to enhance it. Information is constantly updated, and new information is added to the site on a regular basis. Officers are encouraged to visit the website frequently to obtain new information. The RISS Officer Safety Website is available to all sworn law enforcement officers. RISS is proud to provide this officer safety tool and remains committed to supporting and safeguarding our nation’s law enforcement.