Payment Management System
Program Support Center

Grant Recipient FAQs

When is the FFR-Federal Cash Transaction Report (FCTR) due?

The FFR-FCTR is due within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter. The due dates are below.
Reporting Period/Due Date:

  • October 1 through December 31 - 1st Qtr./January 30th
  • January 1 through March 31 - 2nd Qtr./April 30th
  • April 1 through June 30 - 3rd Qtr./July 30th
  • July 1 through September 30 - 4th Qtr./October 30th

When is the FFR-Financial Status Report (FSR) due?

Please contact your awarding agency for information on reporting requirements.

Can you please reset my password?

Only the HHS Helpdesk can reset your password for you. They can be reached at 1-877-614-5533 or email them at

My address on the FFR report is different, how can I change it?

Please contact your awarding agency. All entity address changes must first be reviewed by your grants specialist. Once the change has been reviewed, they will forward the information to Payment Management Services for updating.

Can I request a specific username?

Payment Management Services determines all usernames to maintain compliance with system and audit requirements.

Why is the amount on line 10a Cash Receipts (of the FFR-FCTR) auto-populated?

This amount is based on the information on your Payment Management System account. It represents ending cash on hand from the prior quarter’s report and the funds drawn and deposited in the bank during the quarter of the current report.

Can I reject a payment requests in PMS, without contacting the account liaison?

You cannot reject a payment request; you must contact your Liaison Accountant.

Why do I have to submit a quarterly FFR-FCTR report if I did not draw down any money from the PMS?

The quarterly FFR-FCTR is based on the amount of federal cash disbursed, not funds drawn. Each quarter you must report your cumulative federal cash disbursements on the grant(s) until you have finished drawing funds and reporting disbursements for the grant(s) on the PMS account.

Why can’t I change my organization’s name and address in PMS?

Any PMS changes to an organization’s name or address, must be initiated by your awarding agency.

When I enter a Payee Account Number (PAN) and click Continue on the “Federal Cash Transaction Report Search” screen it is showing an error message “Data not found that meets your selection criteria”. What is the problem and how can I proceed?

The error message means that you do not have access to the report, therefore, you must submit a User Access Change Request to get your profile updated.

Whom should I contact for assistance with the FFR-Financial Status Report (FSR)?

Please contact your grants representative at the awarding agency for assistance with the FFR-FSR. Their contact information is listed on the Notice of Award.

A grant is not entered in the Payment Management System under an existing account number. Who should I contact?

You should refer to your Notice of Award to determine who your Grants Management Specialist is and contact him or her.

I need to draw authorized funds but PMS says that my grant is expired and it will not let me draw.

The message that your grant is expired will not prevent you from completing your payment request. It is notice that the grant is expired past the liquidation period. We are unable to pay expired funds without awarding agency approval so, as a courtesy, your Liaison Account will email your awarding agency for approval and copy the requestor. The awarding agency is allowed three days to respond. We cannot maintain requests for longer than three days due to volume. The awarding agency may likely need to contact you for an explanation. Before you determine to re-submit a payment request that was rejected, it is advisable to call your Grant Specialist to ensure that it will be approved, timely, if you re-submit the payment request.

How can I change the basis of the accounting from cash to accrual on the FFR-Federal Cash Transaction Report (FCTR)?

The basis of accounting is set to cash because this report requires information on your federal cash disbursements. It does not require information on any accruals you may have.

Why is my new award on a P-Account instead of the G-Account?

The Department of Health and Human Services has moved away from G-Accounts and new awards will be posted to a P-account.