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CREx tool OMS Coronavirus Screening Questionnaire

If you are an employee, are sick and/or have a reasonable concern that you have been exposed to the new novel coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2) in the past 14 days, please fill out the screening questionnaire

Occupational Medical Service (OMS) administers the NIH staff Coronavirus survey. OMS is a part of the Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) and offers medical assistance to NIH employees (FTE, contractor, trainee, etc.).

virusNIH Guidance for Staff on CoronavirusUPDATE - Return to physical workspaces guidance and code of conductBe sure to stay up-to-date on the status of changes to NIH campus services in response to COVID-19.
This page provides guidance to NIH staff, including employees, contractors, trainees and volunteers, on preventive measures, frequently asked questions, and links to important resources related to COVID-19.

Woman on bus News2Use
ORS News2Use (N2U) is an online newsletter distributed internally to all NIH staff. ORS publishes News2Use to share news and information about ORS services and events, showcase our work and accomplishments to fellow NIH employees, and offer our customers resources and information to foster a better work environment.
News2Use is released quarterly and available online. Check out our latest issue for Fall 2020, where we announce the release of the 2019 ORS Annual Report and 6th Edition of the BMBL, and we share words of encouragement during these challenging times.
Woman on busReturn to Physical Workplace Safety Guide
Review these policies and procedures for all NIH staff on how to protect themselves and others in work areas. For a full list of EPA approved disinfectants for coronaviruses appropriate in the NIH environment, review the EPA Approved Disinfectants for Coronaviruses. View the NIH Coronavirus Safety Guidance video to educate yourself on ensuring a safe return work.
Need to report an unsafe work condition? Complete the safety reporting tool. You may also file a report at 301-480-8990. 

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