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Data Products Table

Calibrated Radiometry and Polarimetry
Calibrated and geolocated radiometry and polarimetry as observed at sensor.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Spectral top-of-atmosphere radiances from OCISpectral radiance observed at the top of the atmosphere.W m-2 um-1 sr-1Level-1B 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-1C TBD; dailyStandard productLevel-1C draft data format and examples
Spectral top-of-atmosphere radiances and polarimetry from SPEXoneSpectral radiance and polarimetry observed at the top of the atmosphere, for all sensor viewing angles.VariousLevel-1B TBD; daily - Level-1C TBD; dailyStandard productLevel-1C draft data format and examples
Spectral top-of-atmosphere radiances and polarimetry from HARP2Spectral radiance and polarimetry observed at the top of the atmosphere, for all sensor viewing angles.VariousLevel-1B TBD; daily - Level-1C TBD; dailyStandard productLevel-1C draft data format and examples

Ocean Properties to be Produced by OCI
Bio-optical and biogeochemical properties of seawater constituents in the sunlit upper ocean.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Spectral remote sensing reflectancesSpectral color of the ocean in the ultraviolet-to-near infrared spectral range. Used as input into algorithms to retrieve information about colored dissolved organic matter, phytoplankton, non-algal particles, and other aquatic constituents. Provided in continuous 2.5-nm steps from 350 to 717.5-nm with a resolution (bandwidth) of 5-nm.sr-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT members: Boss, Zhai, Krotkov, Chowdhary, Stamnes, Zhang
In situ measurement protocols
Spectral diffuse attenuation coefficientsSpectral diffuse attenuation of downwelling irradiance at multiple wavelengths between 350 and 700-nm. Provides indices of water clarity and light penetration.m-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT members: Boss, Stramski, Odermatt
In situ measurement protocols
Spectral phytoplankton absorption coefficientsSpectral absorption coefficients for total phytoplankton absorption at multiple wavelengths between 350 and 700-nm. Provides information on phytoplankton physiology, abundance, and community composition.m-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT members: Twardowski, Stramski, Shuchman, Pahlevan, Siegel, Barnes, Stamnes, Chowdhary
In situ measurement protocols
Spectral non-algal particle plus dissolved organic matter absorption coefficientsSpectral absorption coefficients for non-algal particulates and dissolved organic matter at multiple wavelengths between 350 and 700-nm. Provides information on the concentrations of the dissolved component of organic carbon and the detrital (non-algal) component of the particulate assembly.m-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT members: Twardowski, Stramski, Barnes, Stamnes, Chowdhary
In situ measurement protocols
Spectral chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorption coefficientsSpectral absorption coefficients for dissolved organic matter at multiple wavelengths between 350 and 700-nm. Provides information on the concentration of the dissolved component of organic carbon.m-1TBDTestSAT member: Stramski
In situ measurement protocols
Spectral slope coefficients of chromophoric dissolved organic matter absorptionAbsorption spectral slope coefficients of chromophoric dissolved organic matter for multiple wavelength ranges: 275-295, 350-400, 380-600 nm. Provides information on the contribution of land-derived dissolved organic matter, relative contribution of land- versus marine-derived dissolved organic matter, and as a relative measure of solar photobleaching.nm-1TBDTestSAT member: Stramski
In situ measurement protocols
Spectral particle backscattering coefficientsSpectral backscattering of the light associated with particulate material, at multiple wavelengths between 350-700 nm. Provides an indicator of the concentration of particules in the ocean and a proxy indicator of particulate carbon concentrations.m-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT members: Twardowski, Stramski, Shuchman, Pahlevan, Barnes, Stamnes, Chowdhary, Zhang, Odermatt
Fluorescence line heightLight leaving the surface ocean due to the sun induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Provides an indicator of phytoplankton physiology (health?).W m-2 um-1 sr-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT member: Westberry
Daily photosynthetically available radiation (PAR)The amount of sunlight that is useful for photosynthesis, defined here as the 400-700 nm spectral range, that reaches the surface of the ocean over a day. As phytoplankton require light to convert inorganic carbon to organic carbon, PAR provides a critical parameter for understanding the oceanic carbon cycle.Einsteins m-1 d-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT member: Boss
Instantaneous photosynthetically available radiation (PAR)The amount of sunlight that is useful for photosynthesis, defined here as the 400-700 nm spectral range, that reaches the surface of the ocean at the moment of satellite data collection. As phytoplankton require light to convert inorganic carbon to organic carbon, PAR provides a critical parameter for understanding the oceanic carbon cycle.Einsteins m-1 s-1Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualProvisionalATBD
SAT member: Boss
Concentration of chlorophyll-aNear surface concentration of the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll-a. Provides proxies for algal biomass, ecosystem health and function, and eutrophication.mg m-3Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
SAT members: Gaube, Shuchman, Siegel, Pahlevan, Zhai, Chowdhary, Odermatt
In situ measurement protocols
Phytoplankton pigment concentrationsConcentration of specific photosynthetic pigments in the surface ocean. As different phytoplankton taxa contain their own specific pigment suites, these concentrations provide indicators of presence and abundance of specific types of phytoplankton in the ocean (e.g. harmful algal blooms).mg m-3TBDTestSAT members: Gaube, Shuchman, Siegel, Pahlevan
In situ measurement protocols
Net primary production (NPP)Rate of conversion of dissolved carbon dioxide to organic carbon through photosysthesis minus the carbon used for respiration. NPP is an important part of the carbon cycle and these products are used in local models (estimating food avaliable to fish populations) all the way up to global climate and Earth System models (to predict information about the oceans of today and tomorrow).mg C m-2 d-1TBDTestSAT member: Westberry
Phytoplankton community compositionDescriptors of the composition of phytoplankton populations. Different approaches describe these populations in different ways, such as by carbon content or biovolume per class (e.g., diatom contributions vs. cyanobacteria contributions), particle size distributions (or fraction of large cells vs. small cells), or targeted identification of a single class (e.g., detection of a harmful cyanobacteria algal bloom).Varied per approach. Often described in terms of carbon concentrations (mg C m-3), biovolume (cells mL-1), or size class (% micro-, pico-, nanoplankton)TBDTestSAT members: Gaube, Rousseaux, Shuchman, Siegel, Pahlevan, Hu
Concentration of particulate organic carbonNear surface concentration of the particulate organic carbon. It is a proxy for all living material (phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria) and detritus. It is also a venue through which organic carbon, sequestered through the photosynthesis, is transfered towards higher trophic levels and into the deep ocean.mg m-3Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
In situ measurement protocols
Concentration of particulate inorganic carbonConcentration of particulate inorganic carbon in the surface of the ocean. Used to track the presence and abundance of calcite containing phytoplankton in the open ocean (coccolithophores).mol m-3Level-2 1-km at nadir; daily - Level-3 4-km; daily, 8-day, monthly, annualStandard productATBD
Concentration of phytoplankton carbonConcentration of carbon contained in phytoplankton cells. Provides a proxy for phytoplankton biomass that is often used in primary productivity algorithms and biogeochemical and Earth System models.mg m-3TBDTestSAT member: Westberry
Concentration of dissolved organic carbonNear surface concentration of dissolved organic carbon. It is exported into coastal waters from land through rivers and groundwater. In the aquatic environment, it is produced or released by all living material (phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria) and detritus. It is a source of energy for bacteria and other microbial organisms and is transferred to higher trophic levels. It typically comprises well over 95% of the organic carbon in the ocean.mmol m-3TBDTest
Suspended particulate matterNear surface concentration of particles both living (phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria) and non-living (detritus, sediments).mg m-3TBDTestSAT member: Pahlevan

Atmospheric Properties to be Produced by OCI
Optical, microphysical, and macrophysical properties of aerosols (e.g. dust, smoke) and clouds in the atmosphere.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Spectral aerosol optical depthSpectral measurement of the extinction of the solar beam caused by atmospheric aerosol particles, such as dust and haze, at 380, 440, 500, 550, and 675 nm (and potentially additional wavelengths) over land and oceans. Provides information on the concentration of aerosols in a vertical column of atmosphere.unitlessLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard productSAT members: Remer, Lyapustin
Aerosol fine mode fraction (over ocean)Fraction of visible aerosol optical depth from fine mode aerosols over oceans at 550 nm.unitlessLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard productSAT members: Remer, Lyapustin
Cloud maskProvides information on whether or not a given pixel is covered by cloud. This is an input to many downstream algorithms, as most process either only cloudy or only cloud-free scenes, and is also useful for climate research.unitlessLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard product
Cloud phaseProvides information on whether a given cloudy pixel is composed of liquid-phase or ice-phase clouds. Used as an input to downstream processing to inform optical model choices, as well as for climate research.unitlessLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard productSAT member: Meyer
Cloud top pressure of opaque cloudsAtmospheric pressure at the height of the cloud top. Useful for climate research and in L1c reaggregation.hPaLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard product
Optical thickness of liquid and ice cloudsMeasurement of extinction of the solar beam due to clouds in the mid-visible wavelength. Used for climate studies.unitlessLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard product
Effective radius of liquid and ice cloudsRatio of the third to second moments of the cloud droplet size distribution, as an indicator of cloud particle size. Used for climate studies.micronsLevel-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthStandard product
Water path of liquid and ice clouds Mass of (liquid or ice) water in clouds in the vertical column. Used for climate studies.gm-2Level-2 1-km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 spatial resolution TBD; daily, 8-day, monthlyStandard product
Shortwave radiation effectReflected solar flux (spectral and directional integral of reflected sunlight).W m-2Level-2 1 km (at nadir), daily - Level-3 1°x1°; daily, monthlyStandard product

Land Data Products to be Produced by OCI
Physical and optical properties of the land surface.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Surface reflectanceEffective reflectance of the Earth's surface as observed by OCI. Used as an input to downstream land data products.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: Lyapustin
BRDF/albedo and model parametersDescribes the spectral and directional dependence of surface reflectance.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: Lyapustin
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)Empirical metric related to vegetation abundance and health, corrected for atmospheric scattering and absorption.unitlessTBDTest

Aerosol and Ocean Properties from HARP2 and SPEXone
Data products generated as a multi-parameter retrieval for HARP2 or SPEXone scenes over the ocean in cloud-free conditions.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Spectral aerosol optical depthSpectral measurement of the extinction of the solar beam caused by atmospheric aerosol particles. Provides information on the concentration of aerosols in a vertical column of atmosphere. May be represented separately for different aerosol size/type modes.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol number concentrationNumber of aerosols present within a defined volume or area.per unit area, or volumeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol size distributionMultiple parameters describing the distribution of aerosol sizes. May include multiple size modes or bins.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol complex refractive indexReal and imaginary component of refractive index for each aerosol mode. This defines aerosol extinction, scattering and absorption.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol layer heightParameterization of aerosol vertical distribution.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol shape, fraction sphericalFraction of aerosols that are treated as spheres versus other shapes, such as spheroids.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol scattering phase matrixDefined by above parameters, this describes the angular distribution of scattering and polarization.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol single scattering albedoRatio of aerosol scattering to extinction.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Ocean surface roughnessSurface roughness defines the directionality of the solar specular reflectance (sunglint), often parameterized by wind speed and direction.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Ocean body propertiesIn water optical properties that define the water leaving radiance. Parameterization schemes may be simple or complex, the validity of which depend on ocean conditions.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Thin cloud contaminationSome algorithms may detect the presence of optically thin clouds (usually cirrus) that would otherwise adversely affect the retrieval of other parameters.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX

Ocean Surface Properties from HARP2
Produced by an algorithm specifically designed for the retrieval of ocean surface characteristics.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Aerosol optical depth in the near infraredByproduct of the primary algorithm.unitlessTBDTest
Ocean surface refractive indexIndication of non seawater substances on the ocean surface, such as oil.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: Ottaviani

Aerosol and Land Surface Properties from HARP2 and SPEXone
Products produced as a multi-parameter retrieval for HARP2 or SPEXone scenes over land in cloud-free conditions.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Spectral aerosol optical depthSpectral measurement of the extinction of the solar beam caused by atmospheric aerosol particles. Provides information on the concentration of aerosols in a vertical column of atmosphere. May be represented separately for different aerosol size/type modes.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol number concentrationNumber of aerosols present within a defined volume or area.per unit area, or volumeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol size distributionMultiple parameters describing the distribution of aerosol sizes. May include multiple size modes or bins.depends on parameterization schemeGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol complex refractive indexReal and imaginary component of refractive index for each aerosol mode. This defines aerosol extinction, scattering and absorption.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol layer heightParameterization of aerosol vertical distribution.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol shape, fraction sphericalFraction of aerosols that are treated as spheres versus other shapes, such as spheroids.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol scattering phase matrixDefined by above parameters, this describes the angular distribution of scattering and polarization.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Aerosol single scattering albedoRatio of aerosol scattering to extinction.unitlessTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Spectrally resolved land surface Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)Defines the reflectance as a function of illumination and observation characteristics. Often represented as a modal sum of angular distribution kernels.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Spectrally resolved land surface Bidirectional Polarized Distribution Function (BPDF)Defines the surface polarization as a function of illumination and observation characteristics.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX
Thin cloud contaminationSome algorithms may detect the presence of optically thin clouds (usually cirrus) that would otherwise adversely affect the retrieval of other parameters.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestGRASP; MAPP; MAPOL; SPEX

Cloud Properties from HARP2 and SPEXone
Products that define the cloud state as observed by either HARP2 or SPEXone.
ProductDescription and UseUnitsAvailabilityStatusAdditional Info
Cloud detectionCloud identification, either as binary flag, percentage or other metric.TBDTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
van Diedenhoven et al, 2007 (DOI); van Diedenhoven et al., 2013 (DOI); Sinclair et al., 2017 (DOI)
Cloud physical thicknessDistance between cloud base and cloud top.kmTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
van Diedenhoven et al, 2007 (DOI); van Diedenhoven et al., 2013 (DOI); Sinclair et al., 2019 (DOI)
Cloud top heightAltitude of cloud top.kmTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
van Diedenhoven et al, 2007 (DOI); van Diedenhoven et al., 2013 (DOI); Sinclair et al., 2017 (DOI)
Cloud phaseDetermination of liquid or ice phase cloud.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
Reidi, et al, 2010 (DOI)
Liquid cloud optical depthSynonymous with cloud optical thickness.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
Alexandrov et al., 2012 (DOI); Alexandrov et al., 2012 (DOI); McBride et al., 2019 (DOI)
Liquid cloud droplet effective radiusA microphysical property describing droplet size distribution.micronsTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
Alexandrov et al., 2012 (DOI); Alexandrov et al., 2012 (DOI); McBride et al., 2019 (DOI)
Liquid cloud droplet effective varianceA microphysical property describing droplet size distribution width.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
Alexandrov et al., 2012 (DOI); Alexandrov et al., 2012 (DOI); McBride et al., 2019 (DOI)
Ice cloud optical depthSynonymous with cloud optical thickness.unitlessTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
van Diedenhoven et al., 2020 (DOI)
Ice particle shape and asymmetry parameterParameterization of shape is relevant for radiative transfer modeling.depends on parameterization schemeTBDTestSAT member: van Diedenhoven
van Diedenhoven et al., 2020 (DOI)
Liquid water pathCan be derived from measures of optical depth and droplet size distribution.TBDTBDTest