
Indian Country
Child Trauma Center


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Letter from ACF Commissioner Samuels
July 2012



The Indian Country Child Trauma Center (ICCTC) was established to develop trauma-related treatment protocols, outreach materials, and service delivery guidelines specifically designed for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children and their families. The Indian Country Child Trauma Center is part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network funded by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) under the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative. It is housed at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. A current program includes Project Making Medicine (PMM).

Project Making Medicine Training
Training in Treatment of Child Physical and Sexual Abuse

Honoring Children, Mending the Circle
A cultural adaptation of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

This project is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children, Youth and Families’ Children's Bureau

September 25 - 28, 2012
November 6 - 9, 2012
February 12 - 14, 2013 (booster)
April 16 - 19, 2013

No Registration Fee ----- Limited to 16 participants
Attend Only One Session
All applications must be received no later than 3 weeks prior to training
All applications must be submitted as a packet


Use this link to view Project Making Medicine Eligibility and Registration Requirements

For the Project Making Medicine registration, use this link....

To register for the Booster Training, use this link...



Indian Country Child Trauma Center (ICCTC) has adapted four (4) trauma-related treatment protocols, outreach materials, and service delivery guidelines specifically adapted and designed for AI/AN children and their families. The treatment protocols, outreach materials and service delivery guidelines developed by ICCTC incorporates both common and tribal-specific Native cultural perspectives and traditions; focuses on principles of current evidence-based models; and will accommodate the substantial individual-to-individual variability in cultural identity among AI/AN people. For a fee, ICCTC provides training in the different models developed. Click this link for details of training for a fee.

The four models include:

Honoring Children, Mending the Circle - cultural adaptation of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Honoring Children, Mending the Circle is the clinical application of the healing process in a traditional framework that supports the belief of American Indians and Native Alaskan culture of spiritual renewal leading to healing and recovery. Training involves a four-day intensive session, follow-up weekly case consultation, web-based training and resources.

Honoring Children, Respectful Ways - cultural adaptation of Treatment for Children with Sexual Behavior Problems. This model was developed for American Indian/Alaska Native children with sexual behavior problems and is designed to honor children and promote their self-respect as well as respect for others, for their elders, and for all living things.

Honoring Children, Making Relatives - cultural adaptation of Parent Child Interaction Therapy. ICCTC has incorporated American Indian/Native Alaskan teachings, practices, rituals, traditions, and cultural orientation into PCIT while maintaining the guiding principles and theory of this specialized treatment in Honoring Children, Making Relatives.

Honoring Children, Honoring the Future - revision of the American Indian Life Skills Development Curriculum. The American Indian Life Skills Development Curriculum (AILSDC) developed by LaFromboise (1995) used risk and protective factors specific to AI/AN youth to inform the development of prevention strategies, provided details of how culture-specific factors are related to an increased risk of suicidal behavior, and contained material for work with students at risk for suicidal behaviors as well as students in general. Revisions from high school to middle school age students have been made.

I Strengthen My Nation - A New Alcohol and Drug Prevention Campaign for Indian Country
The goal of the campaign is to empower Native youth to resist pressures to drink and use drugs. By standing up to this pressure,
youth can strengthen themselves, influence their friends, and strengthen their nation.



A video poem made for the Written, performed and directed by Ryan Red Corn. The video was made in the hopes that lawmakers will take notice of the atrocious legal protection Indigenous women have. Call your leaders in Washington today and tell them to DO SOMETHING.

Click here to watch video...



Students from Todd County High School, located on the Rosebud Sioux reservation, have made a video response to a recent television program about youth on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation, entitled “Hidden America: Children of the Plains,”

Watch their video reponse, "We're More Than That..."



Indian Country Child Trauma Center
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
940 N.E. 13th Street, #4900
Oklahoma City, OK 73140
(405) 271-8858
(405) 271-2931 fax


Some of the graphics used on this site are from First People.