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Through GAIN, DOE is making its state-of-the-art and continuously improving RD&D infrastructure available to stakeholders to achieve faster and cost-effective development of innovative nuclear energy technologies toward commercial readiness. The capabilities accessible through GAIN include: 

  • Experimental capabilities with primary emphasis on nuclear and radiological facilities but also including other testing capabilities (e.g., thermal-hydraulic loops, control systems testing, etc.).
  • Computational capabilities along with state-of-the-art modeling and simulation tools.
  • Information and data through a knowledge and validation center.
  • Intellectual capabilities (e.g., project management, economic analysis, technology road mapping, seismic analysis, regulatory planning, etc.).
  • Land use and site information for demonstration facilities.

DOE National Laboratory Capabilities
  • Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
    • High Temperature Test Laboratory (HTTL) Idaho National Laboratory High Temperature Test Laboratory (HTTL) is revolutionizing nuclear instrumentation. The need for Advanced Nuclear technologies has been reinforced by recent carbon reduction goals by the ever growing demand of reliable energy.  

  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
    • Transformational Challenge Reactor (TCR) The TCR will demonstrate a revolutionary approach to deploying new nuclear power systems. By building and operating an additively manufactured microreactor, the ORNL program will explore solutions to the high costs and lengthy deployment timelines that threaten the future of nuclear energy - the country's largest source of carbon-free energy.

Lab Partnering Service

Connecting Investors with experts and resources for energy technologies. The Lab partnering Service is a service of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Investor Center. The service provides investors and other parties looking to advance energy innovation, a single location to connect with leading DOE national laboratory technical experts to quickly answer innovation questions, as well as discover opportunities for building partnerships. Our goal is to increase access to the information needed to make informed decisions. 

 DOE National Laboratory Capability News

Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF)

Through the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) program, DOE launched the Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Database (NEID), which provides a catalog of existing nuclear energy-related infrastructure that can potentially be accessed through GAIN.  NEID currently includes information on 963 research and development instruments in 465 facilities at 132 institutions in the United States and abroad. Nuclear technology developers can access the database to identify resources available to support development and implementation of their technology, as well as contacts, availability, and the process for accessing the capability.

INL Site Conditions and Properties
September 2015

This report provides a high-level review of potential technical, commercial , and natural components likely to influence the planning, preparing, and positioning for the future by investing in the build-out of energy systems at Idaho National Laboratory.
Click on the following link if you are interested in knowing more about the DOE National Lab site permit process.