Tag Archives: drugs

On the poster Peggy Fleming skating below the text I don't smoke cigarettes. August 18

Olympians Say “No” to Substance Abuse

by Erika Mills Every two years, the Olympics Games make heroes out of the world’s athletic elite. Champions win worldwide fame, admiration, and influence along with the medals and prize money. But any hero worth their salt knows that with great power, comes great responsibility. Popular athletes have huge sway over public opinion and consumer […]

A raincloud labeled AIDS. April 07

Images and Texts in Medical History—Jeremy Greene

On April 11-13, 2016, the National Library of Medicine will host the workshop “Images and Texts in Medical History: An Introduction to Methods, Tools, and Data from the Digital Humanities” funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through a generous grant to Virginia Tech, and held in cooperation with Virginia Tech, The Wellcome […]

A group of men sit talking in a reserved section at the front of an auditorium holding programs. December 18

Thomas C. Chalmers: Clinical Research Pragmatist

Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Laura E. Bothwell, a postdoctoral fellow in Health Policy, Law, and Ethics in the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics at Harvard Medical School.  Recently, Dr. Bothwell’s research brought her to NLM to consult the Thomas C. Chalmers’ Papers held in the archives of the Library’s History of Medicine Division, for details about Dr. Chalmers’ […]

Promotional image for Kellogg's Pep. October 27

Pure Food: FDA Notices of Judgment

Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Dr. Suzanne Junod, a historian in the FDA History Office. In celebration of the completion of NLM’s digital archive of court case summaries published as the Food and Drugs Act Notices of Judgment, Dr. Junod offers a brief history of U.S. food and drug regulation and a use case for […]

Antibiotics don't work on colds. June 17

Losing the Miracle?

Maryn McKenna spoke today at the National Library of Medicine on “Losing the Miracle? Agriculture, the FDA, and the Controversy over Farm Antibiotics.” Ms. McKenna was recently named recipient of the 2013 Byron H. Waksman Award for Excellence in the Public Communication of Life Sciences and finalist for a James Beard Foundation Award. Circulating Now […]

A human figure is dwarfed by a fanciful mushroom, mold, and bacterial jungle. March 31

The Magic in Mold and Dirt

Circulating Now welcomes guest bloggers Diane Wendt and Mallory Warner from the Division of Medicine and Science at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. As curators of our most recent exhibition, From DNA to Beer: Harnessing Nature in Medicine and Industry, Diane and Mallory spent months researching four different microbes and the influence they’ve […]