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Annual Report 2019

Message from the Director

One of the privileges of my job is attending occasional meetings and events at the Supreme Court. It never gets old. When I approach the building, I invariably pause to take in its majestic entrance. Inside, the courtesy and professionalism everyone at the Court exhibits complement the magnificent interior. The same is true when I visit other courts around the country. To enter a federal courthouse is typically to enter a space of calm solemnity befitting the weighty matters at stake there. Read more >> 

Report Highlights

20+ major research and evaluation projects completed and work continued on 50 others
30 reports, manuals, monographs, or reference guides published or updated
220+ in-person and technology-based educational programs provided for 22,000+ federal judges, legal staff, and court employees and help provided to design, conduct, and teach another 33 programs, produced by other organizations, for 2,000+ judges and court staff
14th annual teachers institute on historical cases in the federal courts conducted
16 new educational videos produced, either for online delivery or use in other education and training programs
10 new podcasts created
430+ visiting foreign judges, court officials, and attorneys hosted from 67 different countries and jurisdictions
15,689 printed copies of Center publications distributed