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"Preserving Mine Maps for Future Generations"


Available Information from the NMMR

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Mission Statement

The National Mine Map Repository (NMMR), established by the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, is charged with maintaining an archive of all closed and abandoned mine maps from throughout the United States. Through its expert analysis of mine maps and related information, the NMMR assists both the private and public sectors in evaluation of related data for economic evaluation, risk assessment, industrial and commercial development, highway construction, and the preservation of public health, safety and welfare. The NMMR strives to increase public use and accessibility of its unique information by transforming its archive into digital georeferenced media.

What is the National Mine Map Repository

The National Mine Map Repository (NMMR) is part of the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM). The NMMR is located in Green Tree, Pennsylvania, and collects and maintains both coal and non-coal mine map information and images for the entire country. Our facility provides and stores, in microfilm, over 140,000 abandoned mine maps, dating from the 1850s to the present day. It serves as a point of reference for mine maps and other information for both surface and underground mines throughout the United States. It also serves as a location to retrieve mine maps in an emergency. The NMMR provides our customers with services ranging from evaluating related data for economic analysis to assessing their potential risk associated with underground mining. Through our analysis of mine maps and related information, we assist both the private and public sectors in industrial and commercial development, highway construction, and the preservation of public health, safety and welfare. In addition, we collect, reproduce, and maintain a national inventory of mine maps and supporting documentation for private and public interests.

The NMMR is part of the Technology Services Branch of the Technical Support Division in the Appalachian Regional Office of OSM. Some of the NMMR's customers include; government entities, realtors, land developers, mining companies and homeowners. Many of the maps in the repository are currently available in digital format and the repository is in the process of scanning all the maps in the collection. The NMMR is always looking for additional mine maps. Please contact us if you have mine maps that you would permit the Repository to scan and add to the collection. All physical maps may be returned to the owner.

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