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__________________________ FOREST RECLAMATION ADVISORIES __________________________ FORESTRY RECLAMATION APPROACH __________________________
__________________________ MINED LAND REFORESTATION CONFERENCES __________________________ PLANTING TREES ON LEGACY MINES __________________________ REFORESTATION AWARDS __________________________ REFORESTATION RESEARCH __________________________ STATE AND PRIVATE NURSERIES __________________________ STATEMENT OF MUTUAL INTENT





Save the Date!

ARRI 2013 Reforestation Conference
August 6 - 7, Flatwoods West Virginia

Keep checking back for more information.

ARRI 2013 Tree Planting Schedule

View Schedule...

ARRI is an Award-winning Initiative

ARRI is proud to be the recipient of the following prestigious awards:

  • Partners in Conservation Award from the Secretary of the Interior
    • Awarded on October 18, 2012

  • Presidential Migratory Bird Federal Stewardship Award
    • Awarded on May 25, 2011

  • 2011 Arbor Day Award from the National Arbor Day Foundation
    • Awarded on May 10, 2011

  • Cooperative Conservation Award from the Secretary of the Interior
    • Awarded on May 9, 2007

These awards were made possible through the hard work of the ARRI Core and Science
Teams and the hundreds of individuals and representatives of industry, environmental groups, academic institutions, citizen’s groups, landowners and federal, state and local government
who have worked to implement the Forestry Reclamation Approach when planting trees throughout Appalachia.

Green Forests Work for Appalachia

A Green Jobs Proposal Created by the ARRI Science Team

Learn More...

Operation Springboard - Rebirth of the American chestnut

ARRI and The American Chestnut Foundation [TACF] have joined forces in a partnership to combine the forestry reclamation of mine sites with restoration of the majestic American chestnut tree to its former place of dominance in the Appalachian hardwood ecosystem.


Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) banner.

ARRI and the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) are partnering up to
re-establish habitat on previously mined land to create greater breeding grounds for
declining bird species in the Appalachian Region.


Join the ARRI Team!

Click on the images below to read the ARRI Statement of Mutual Intent
or to download and sign the SMI Signature Sheet

Thumbnail image of the ARRI Statement of Mutual Intent [SMI] Thumbnail image of the SMI signature page

Learn more about the ARRI
Statement of Mutual Intent

PLANT FOR THE PLANET - Billion Tree Campaign logo

ARRI is now a proud member of the UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign

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