
Over 3,500 miles in three months.

As part of our Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial celebrations, the Service, together with a collection of federal, NGO and international partners, will draw attention this spring to the incredible journey of migrating birds. Two young bird novices are embarking on a one-of-a-kind epic road trip up the Pacific Flyway from southern California to Alaska, using modern storytelling tools and techniques to engage new and diverse communities. These ambassadors of birds will invite others to follow their journey through blogs and social media posts as they migrate up the Pacific coast. Their inspiration will be the landscapes and people of National Wildlife Refuges, National Parks and other wildlife hot spots, as well as Urban Bird Treaty Cities and other large communities. Through fun and dynamic storytelling the ambassadors will highlight extraordinary bird facts, threats and challenges birds face across urban and rural landscapes, and innovations of thought and design that are contributing to a brighter future for birds. Please see attached  flyer (915.7KB) for more information.

Follow their journey on!

Last Updated: March 21, 2016